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Jinho could barely remember when was the last time he ever relax himself like that. For the past few years, he had been working so hard to keep himself, as well as his pack to live in peace and harmony. Sure he was not the alpha but living in a pack that was filled with '5 year old kids' made him feel responsible to take care of them and to make sure that nobody felt left out. Not to mention that he was the oldest too. It made him feel more responsible when the alpha, which was recognized as Hui, was more childish at times and only be matured when he was needed.

    He lips twitched into a small smile as his feet touched the crystal clear water. The coldness of the water made his muscles loosened up, after a while being under stress. There were too much things that had been bugging his head lately and he just could not make himself not to think about it.

  He gently kicked his human leg under the water. He loved being in his human, although he was the shortest in his pack and had the tallest as the youngest. He did not mind about that. He just happened to love the way he looked like. He found himself just perfect that way.

  If he was perfect, then why was he mateless?

  He was 25. He had his heat when he was 18 but it was unfortunate for him that for the past seven years, he had to dealt with his heat alone and it was sure a hell!

  The beautiful crystal clear did not stir him from his thoughts at all.

  He had tried his best, to attract the alphas but non of them even laid their eyes on him. It made him somehow sad with the fact that he was going to be alone for the rest of his life.

  Was he not attractive enough?

  Was he too ugly that they would not even try to court him like they did to other omegas?

  Or maybe, he had sinned so much in his past life that made him did not deserve to be with anyone?

  Forget it Jo Jinho. Just give up with this mate thingy.

  A soft but heavy sigh escaped from his lips. Probably it was true after all, that he was ugly, unattractive enough to have a mate and be his spouse for the rest of his life. He was destined to be alone. It was okay though. He had the best pack in the world, he never face any worse problems than had to deal with years old kids. Life was never being so hard on him before. Being alone was not that bad anyway. It was bitter, but he taught himself so hard to believe the fact.

  He will just have to live as the unclaimed omega for the rest of his life.

   He was about to jump into the water when his ears caught up with a noise. He stayed still for a few moments, just to get a better hearing of the sound. The more focus he was, the louder the sound became.

  A mixture of painful groan and whimper, howling for help.

  His nose then perked up by the strange smell that caught up in his nostrils.

  His eyes suddenly glowed in light brown.


  There was an injured werewolf nearby.

* * *

  Jinho had himself shifted into his wolf form when he decided to find the injured wolf and help the poor creature. Even when in his wolf form: a thick, brownish furred wolf, he looked quite small, as if he was a growing young wolf. Maybe that was why the youngers in his pack loved to squish him whenever he was in his pack.

  Following his nose to track the injured wolf, he found himself getting closer to his target. While following his legs and nose, he wondered to himself what could've hurt the injured wolf so much that the blood smell was stronger than the wolf's smell itself. It was impossible to have another wolf that attacked the injured woof since it was their territory. Hui had made sure that only Pentagon; his pack's name, rules the territory but he was positive that the kids would not hurt anyone that bad unless if it was a threat. Even the wolf that was assigned to patrol the territory would not hurt anyone.

  There might be a chance that the injured wolf came when he was already hurt right?

  Oh my. It must be really painful.

  The thought made the omega's pace became faster. The only thing he could think at the moment was to to take the injured wolf and bring it home to treat it. Seeing his pack members was enough to know how painful it was to have wounds that were untreated. Although he never go out to fight, it always break his heart to see those who are in pain. He could only wish that he could share the pain although it was impossible.

  The whimpering sound was louder but getting weaker as the time passed. The omega became more anxious as the thought of being too late hit his head dozens of times. He was afraid that by the time he found the injured wolf, he only find the wolf dead and it was all his fault for being a slow poke. Blame his short legs for did not grow.

  After a while tracking, his eyes finally caught the glimpse of a wolf, lying weakly under a tree. He then rushed to the tree to get a better view of the wolf which he assumed as a loner wolf since he was there all the time without any of his members.

  It was a big wolf with lots of blood stains on his front leg that was clearly able to been seen when the wolf had a very beautiful grey.

  Was it weird to say that he was getting overwhelmed just to see a stranger wolf whom he barely know? His heartbeat rate went increased two time faster but he knows for sure that it was not from his running. It was something else. Something...strange?

  Was his body starting to act up? For sure, his heat just passed a week ago so he could not be in heat anymore, not until the upcoming month but then, why was his body's heat suddenly increased?

  A soft but painful whimper snapped Jinho from his thought.

  He brought his pace, carefully to the injured wolf. "Are you okay?" He asked, out of concern.

  The grey wolf stared him for a while with his crystal blue eyes, before weakly moved his head to say that he was not. His breathing became weaker as time passed by.

  The omega panicked. "Oh my god hold on! I'll go get some help!" He exclaimed before he licked the injured wolf's wound. For werewolf, licking was one of the ways to stop bleeding but too bad. No matter how many times he licked the wound, the blood did not stop flowing.

  Why won't it stop?

  It's just a small injury!


  He silently begged for the blood to stop flowing out because it will harm the grey wolf if it did not stop.

  But then, he tasted it, right with his tongue.

  Oh no.

  Silver bullet.


Thereee how was it? Tell me your opinion please ><

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