"You're My Crush.." || Emilio Martinez

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"Alex, wanna get something to eat?" Ivan asked, grabbing the keys to Jake's car.

"Sure, but you're not driving. Get Chance or Anthony to take us. I don't trust you driving." I laughed, taking the keys from him.

He groaned then followed quickly behind me.

"Chance, Anthony!" I called for them, not wanting to walk the whole house to look for them.

"Over here!" Chance called from the garage.

"No come here, I don't want to walk all the way their!" I whined.

"Want a ride?" Emilio asked, coming towards me with the big motor bike.

"Hell ya!" I yelled, climbing on. I guess I didn't realize Ivan already at the garage once we slowly rode in the garage.

Emilio revved the bike in the garage, having the people in their, including Nick, yelling in annoyance. Emilio and I laughed as he continued to rev it up.

"Stop it!" Jake yelled.

"You do it to us!" I yelled back, putting my hand over Emilio's and revved it with him, smiling.

Emilio and I continued to do it until Nick and Jake got up and picked up their chairs, making us immediately climb off the bike and run for our lives.

"Hop on my d*ck!" Ivan yelled from the other room making the boys laugh.

"Ivan don't say that!" I yelled.

"HOP ON MY D*CK!" Emilio teased me, saying it over and over again.

"Do you know what that means, Em?" I asked with a laugh.

"No." He giggled.

"Would you like to know what it means?" I ask smiling devilishly.

"Yes, yes!" Emilio said cheerfully.

"Then who's your crush?" I ask him smiling. We've been asking each other randomly who our crushes are. I don't know his and he doesn't know mine. We bring it up any time we can.

His face turns red and he looks at the ground.

"C'mon, Martinez tell me! I'm not gonna get mad or anything! It's just a crush!" I laughed playfully.

"Ooh, Emilio!" Jake sing songed, skipping over to us with his vlog camera.

"We heard you like someone?" Chance asked, crossing his arms.

"I thought we were getting food!" I yelled, walking back to Ivan.

"You have crush too!" Ivan said poking my stomach making me squirm.

"No!" I yelled blushing.

"Drama wheel?" Jake asked.

"DRAMA WHEEL!" Chance, Anthony, Chad and Ivan yelled.

I bit my lip, not wanting to look up at Emilio, knowing we'd both stare at each other for a long time and get lost in each other's eyes. But being me I looked up, seeing Emilio look up as well. Our staring began but quickly ended when Jake dragged Emilio out of the room and to outside, leaving me with Chance and Ivan.

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