What is werewolf?

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Although they look very much like humans, these mutafroma have superior strength, agility and healing powers. It is said that among their abilities there is also the transfer of pain and memories from others (ndr: then confirmed, Scott McCall is able to do both). Succeeding to hold a live lycopene would greatly aid our knowledge of them, but it is extremely difficult with the resources currently available and therefore little advised. If you are tempted (to do so), you should get a heaviest possible caliber chain and carefully check that there are no defects. However, you are warned: even without defects, a mustard wolf will likely be released within an hour and will be very angry.

The eyes of the licantropus can change color if they are caused: red is reserved for alpha (red alert), blue to the licantrops who have already taken an innocent human life, yellow to the licantrops that have not yet taken it. The licestrops are recognizable by the pronounced forehead and the elongated shape of elongated fangs, ears, widow's spikes (V: hair growth towards the center of the forehead), bases and claws. During the full moon, who has been bitten and younger wolves can become fierce unless they are taught to control their change.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2017 ⏰

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