Happy Just to Dance With You

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A soft, pinkish light soaked my eyes as the sunlight crept in through the window. I didn't want to get up, I just wanted to lay there, but the pressure pressing on my bladder told me I should get up. I lazily opened my eyes and tried to adjust them to the rays of sun shining in through the window and blanketing my room. The muscles in my lower back were a little tense and carefully rolled from my side to on my back. I was startled with the warmth radiating from beside me. I grinned as remembrance washed through my mind. I could feel warm skin pressing against my arm and down my leg as I turned my face to the man beside me. He remained in a restful slumber on his stomach, laying with his face pressed against the fluffy white pillows. I didn't want to wake him so I silently slid out of bed. I was caught off guard by the coolness as I realized I was completely naked. I blushed and smiled, padding to the bathroom to relieve my bladder of the pressure. I tried to be as quick as possible and tiptoed back to the bedroom, sliding under the warmth of the sheets. His hips were hugged by the sheets, leaving his toned back exposed. I watched the smooth skin as his sides expanded and retracted with every breath pulled in and out of his lungs. I traced the muscles in his back with my eyes for he had one arm up above his head and the other tucked under the pillow. To me, he was perfect. I loved waking up in the morning with him beside me, his warm skin soft to the touch. I laid on my side close to his body, facing him and propping my head up with my hand. He moaned a little and turned his body so that he was on his side, facing in my direction. I watched his chest rise drastically as took a deep breath and sighed, still sleeping. He was so cute with his bottom lip slightly poking out. I cuddled up to him and lightly pressed our noses together as I gently placed my hand low on his hip. He moved his hand up below his chin and I curled my fingers with his with my free hand. I could feel him slightly squeeze my hand and I rubbed my nose on his, placing soft kisses on his inviting lips. He responded to my actions by poking his lips out more and stirring awake a little. He fluttered his eyes open and grinned wildly at me with drowsy eyes.

(Roger's P.O.V.)

There's nothing better than being woken up by your lover with kisses and cuddling. I knew I felt his soft skin pressed on mine, but I couldn't wake up. It wasn't until his hot breath fell upon my lips, accompanied by his warm lips, that I was able to wake. My shoulders felt a little tense as I adjusted them to the weight of laying on my side. I smiled at the gorgeous fellow with his arm on my waist and face mere centimeters from mine. His grin was from ear-to-ear and those cute little creases around his eyes were prominent. I loved it when he smiled and showed the little gap between his teeth and the smile marks around his mouth and eyes. 

"Good morning, love." I spoke with my groggy voice and he giggled.

"Good morning, Roggie." He sounded like he'd been up a while.

He looked absolutely irresistible. I leaned towards him, pushing him on his back, and began kissing at his neck and chest. He moaned and ran his hands down my backside. I lifted my face from his neck and stared into his eyes. He grabbed the sides of my face and pulled me into a long and passionate kiss. He felt him smile halfway into the kiss and I broke away, giggling.

"Okay. You know Bri and Fred will be here just about any minute now." He sighed and played with a piece of my hair. 

"Yeah... I know. If it weren't for them coming over today, I'd probably just spend the whole day in bed with you." We both smiled and I rolled off him. 

(John's P.O.V.)

He rolled off of me and I sat up, watching him slide out of the sheets and stretch. As he stood up, I couldn't help but notice how he did indeed enjoy our previous actions. I smirked at him and rolled out of bed myself. As he ran off to the bathroom, most likely to use the bathroom and shower, I stood at the bedroom door and just looked around the room. How did I ever become lucky enough to deserve this... I sighed happily and left for the shower. 

(Brian's P.O.V.)

I had a late start this morning, but I was still in a good mood. I was on my way to pick up Freddie so we could help John and Roger unpack Roger's things. I was so happy for them, they'd been together for months and this was a good step in their relationship. It's funny thinking back when they didn't know they liked each other. I remember we'd be in the studio and you could see one staring at the other and look away quickly when the other noticed. It was mainly Roger who did all the looking and blushing, but they were both always finding ways to interact with each other. They have always been real close to each other, and I'm just happy with how things have turned out. Seeing them hold hands and the spark in their eyes when they look at each other, it's amazing. It gives me a warm feeling and I can't help but to smile. 

I had pulled up to Freddie's place and parked the car. I only had to knock a couple times before Freddie opened the door with a smile and walked out. We walked to the car together and were soon on our way.

(Freddie's P.O.V.)

Brian and I were on our way to Rog and Deak's to help them. I had brought with me a fine bottle of champagne. 

"Aye, Fred. Watcha got there." Brian eyed the brown bag that I had brought with me. 

"I brought some champagne to toast them after we unpack Rog's stuff." He chuckled and I smile proudly. "I'm just so happy for them." 

"Yeah, who'd have thought." he chuckled and smiled, looking at the road. I turned the radio on and we sung to the song.

(John's P.O.V. )

Roger and I had just gotten out of the shower and gotten dressed, our hair still dripping with water, when we heard Brian's car drive up. Roger ran to the door and opened it while I began figuring what was in each box. 

"Hello Dears!" I heard Freddie's booming voice as he entered the room and flung an arm around my neck. I giggle my replay back. 

"Hey guys, m'glad you are willing to help." Brian walked in and nudged me with his elbow.

"Ah, c'mon man. We're happy to be of some assistance!" He smiled at Roger and I as Roger stood beside me and leaned his arm on my shoulder.

"Hey, what's in the brown bag, Fred?" Roger had noticed Freddie came in carrying something in his hand. 

"Oh, why it's just a little something for later on... when we're are done!" He smiled and took it into the kitchen.

Just as soon as Freddie returned from the kitchen, we set to work on unpacking the boxes. 

Hours of unpacking, unwrapping, and placing wore us out. By the time we were finished, we were all ready for what was in that brown paper bag. 

"Rog, dear, come help me with some glasses." Freddie took Roger by the hand and led them to the kitchen.

They returned with four wine flutes and a lovely bottle of champagne. 

We toasted and danced to anything we had for who knows how long. Brian and Freddie left (before he drank too much, unlike Freddie) and left just Roger and I. He put in a slower song and held his hand out to me. 

"Will you take this dance with me?" He gave me his 'prince charming' look and I blushed, taking his hand.

He smirked and pulled me close to him. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he wrapped his around my waist, slowly rocking me back and forth to the song. He pressed his forehead against mine and closed his eyes. I kissed his lips softly and closed mine.

I was happy. 

Happy just to dance with him.

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