[4] The Oddest Thing

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You woke up in a strange room, incredibly confused on where you were. As you blinked slowly, trying to get your vision to focus, you noticed you weren't alone. There was a tall blonde boy sleeping in the chair next to you. You reached over as painlessly as you could and tapped him on the knee, causing him to jump out of the chair. He looked around for a second to see who tapped him and then looked down at you.

"Oh thank god, your awake!" he said breathlessly. "Oh Lesa I am so sorry. My father shouldn't have done that and...why are you looking at me like that?" he asked, making you realize you were staring.

"Who are you?" you ask, still staring and starting to wonder why he was sitting next to your bed.

"Oh come on." he said thinking you were joking. He finally realized, when you just sat there and looked at him, that you had no idea who he was. "You really don't know who I am do you?" he asked, in disbelief.

You shook your head and laid your head back down. "I don't even know who I am." you whispered.

He blond boy quickly raced out of the room and came back a few minutes later with a burly looking man in lime green robes. "Do something!" he yelled to the man, pushing him towards you, which caused you to curl into a painful ball.

"Lesa, my name is Bode Dowse and I am the head healer here on the fourth floor at St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries." said the burly man in the lime green robes. "I'm going to need you to sit up, unfortunately that will hurt, but I need to check some things to find out why you lost your memory okay?" he smiled at you encouragingly and held out his hand to help you sit up.

You accepted his help and let out a small gasp when a shooting pain hit your side.

"Yes, you have a nasty bruise there and some internal damage that we have almost healed." he told you as he went about checking your injuries. He made you follow a stick that glowed at the tip and ran a few more tests before turning to address the blond boy. "There is no reason she would have memory loss Mr. Malfoy. The only thing I can think of is if she had another very powerful spell hit her at the same time."

"Wait." the blond boy, Mr. Malfoy, said. "You mean like an enchantment that binds her to me?" he asked.

"Well, they aren't common anymore, but yes. That would do it." Bode said. "Was such a spell place?"

"Yeah. It would have taken effect right as she got hit. The ring she is wearing is enchanted, and we used some muggle phrase she loves to set the enchantment. She said the last word right as my father's spell hit her." he said, running his hand down his face.

Bode walked over to you and look your left hand in his, inspecting the ring you had on. He tried to remove it but it wouldn't budge. "A binding spell you say?" he asked.

Malfoy walked over. "Yes. Something my parents designed for an arranged marriage I was suppose to have before I fell in love with Lesa. The phrase just had to be engraved in the ring and spoken by the girl while wearing the ring."

"And what was the phrase?" Bode asked.

"All I refuse and thee I choose. But the phrase didn't matter. It could have been something else." Malfoy explained. "It just had to match what I had engraved in the ring. Which won't come off now by the way. Not until I bring the engagement ring and she repeated the phrase when she agrees to marry me."

"I see. And the only way to break this enchantment would be death I assume." Bode asked, turning your hand over and over, still inspecting the ring.

"Yes. For either of us." Malfoy replied.

"Okay, I need to go talk to the head of the Artifact Accidents floor for a second opinion on what to do here. If you'll excuse me Mr. Malfoy, Ms. Evans." he bowed to you and left the room.

Malfoy walked back to the chair you found him in, sat down, and sighed.

"Did he say this place was a hospital for magical injuries and that I had spells placed on me?" you asked, thinking that Bode and Malfoy were just nut jobs.

"Yes he did Lesa. He's a wizard just like I am. Just like you are a witch." he said, putting his head in his hands.

"I'm a....a...A WHAT?!" you shout.

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