Liu, Slenderman, Slenderman, Liu. Goodbye!

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Slenderman pov.

I sense a new life source. I quickly end my call with Zalgo on the latest incident his first hand man Shadow Lurker caused between him and Dark Link. Needless to say it took Zalgo to get them off each other, and keep Dark's sword from The Unwanted House Guest's neck! And I mean Zalgo had to physically separate them, both me and him were yelling at them I don't even think they noticed!

After turning off my phone, I teleport to the hallway. I hear E.J yell "Slendy, Jeff got the intruder!" I see him leave just nodding no. I walk in and see a young man with dark brown hair, pale skin, and scars matching Sally's description, each fully healed yet the stitching never removed. I watch Jeff drop both Grinny and Smile outside using the window. Why did I bother having doors, only Dark uses them everyone else either uses the windows or have their own special way. "Jeff I see you collected the intruder fairly quickly." the boy turns and his jaw might as well touch the floor it was so open. "Oh yeah, Liu, Slenderman. Slenderman, Liu. Goodbye!" Jeff runs past me with a real psychotic little grin. Oh the problems he causes me.

"Jeff don't leave here! What the fuck even is this!" he yells mumbling a lot of swears. "I'm right here and I can hear you, not to mention if I wanted to I could read your mind." He just looks at me with a wide eyed face. "Ok, where in fucking Hell did my brother take me?!" he asks allowing himself to fall onto the couch. "Brother! I thought Jeff killed you, Jeff thought he killed you, fuck it Zalgo, Dark Link, Sally, BEN Drowned thought he killed you!" well he's definitely going to join explaining this is going to be awkward.

(A/n sorry for the short chapters)

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