The Aftermath

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Camila~ Ally walked in right after we kissed she was smiling and she said "So, I see you two have made up?" She then looked in the direction of our hands which were locked tight I answered "Yes, we have made up and I'm happy that my Lolo is back I never want to lose her again." I looked her deep in the eyes as she did the same and then Ally cleared her throat as she said "Is there something I'm missing here or are you two just really connected?" Lauren said "No, neither actually we haven't spoken in five years, it just feels good to know that my friend is back and that I can trust her just a little bit." Ally said "Ok, if you say so." I said "Well she says so and I really hope you believe her I know it's an awkward position to be in and all but, like I told you in the hall I have really missed her." She said "Of course I believe her she is MY girlfriend after all and I know she is full of trust." Lo nodded her head and said "Camz, could you just give me and Allykins a moment?" I nodded yes and exited the room and then I realized the whole time we had been holding hands.

Ally~ "Ok I know there's something going on between you two so could you please just tell so I don't have to find out from her and trust and believe I'm nowhere near afraid to get physical." Lauren said "Whoa there, slow your roll Al I get it ok I really do but, I promise you she is just an old friend." I said "Oh really than why were you two holding hands the entire time you were trying to convince me there wasn't a thing going on, why did she look deep into your eyes the way I do and get lost in your beauty everytime she looked at you, why did you kiss back when she kissed you?" Lauren had her mouth wide open then she said "It's not like I really had a choice in whether or not I was going to kiss back Als it takes two people to kiss and I know that's not the best of things to say right now but, it does... take two... people and I know you're upset I'm sorry you've gotta believe that I know I kissed back and held her hand and looked deep into her eyes but Ally she's not you, she is just reentering my life after 5 years straight and even if we just met I know you more than I know her and I can reassure you that I don't love her, I love you please, please, please forgive me." She was looking me straight in the eye and I knew she meant every word she said to me so I said "I'll forgive you, but, on one condition you have to prove that you truly love me after, your arm is healed." She said "Ok that's fair enough." I went and let Camz back in and I said "I know you kissed her but, I forgiven her therefore I have forgiven you also but what I want you to do right now is kiss me I wanna see if she really had no choice but to kiss back." She said "Alright, you ready." I said "Ready as I-" her lips crashed into mine with no warning and Laur was right she had no choice we let go and I said "You tell no lies." Laura Laur laughed and then she kissed me and said "I will always tell the truth no matter how heart shattering."

Lauren~ I said "So what are we supposed to do now?" They both laughed and smiled as Camz said "We could have a threesome." Al nodded her head and said "I'd be down for that." and then they both looked at me with devious grins on their faces.

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