Pink Day Poem [Haiku]

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Celebrate Pink Day,

It's for the LGBT's,

So let's spread the love.


It's too short so I'll have to add a a/n to make it longer. I got this idea originally on Pink Day. For those of you that are Canadian may know the story but if not, let me explain to you how it all begun.

In a school in Nova Scotia a guy came to school in a pink shirt. Boys from higher grades bullyed him about being gay. [and by coincidence he was] Some grade 12's saw this [Te person being bullied was in grade 10] and found it wrong so that night they bough lots of pink shirts and messaged people via Facebook asking if they would like to participate in wearing the pink shirt, as well as the reason. So the next day the same bullies came to cause mischeif but saw everyone else wearing the pink shirts. So in the end they stopped because there was no further reason to.

Basically it was originally asymbol of unity at school and schools across the world/Canada take part in it to show that we accept peoples difference and respect that. Hope you liked the poem/story. Vote and comment ♡

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