8; friday nightmares ii

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"Phoebe can I talk to you?" Daisy managed to get out, she was shocked, that her best friend would do something like this.

"I mean I don't my wings to get cold." Phoebe longly looking at her food. Daisy just glared at her, and Phoebe just groaned.

"You how it feels to be friends with both of you. I constantly have to at war with you guys. Daisy I love you, and you know that but sometimes you make me want to rip my hair out." She pauses the turns to Daniel.
"And you, I love you as well, as a friend of course, but you make the most stupidest decisions and act like a douchebag. You think it's alright because your wife is divorcing you, and I-"

"Wait, you getting divorced?" Daisy asked softly, she hadn't spoken to him in months, and she hadn't want, not after what he did to her. But if you try,that love she had for him, she buried and him being in front of her, sort of dug it out.

"Yeah. I am." Daniel couldn't look at her in eye, he knew he broke her, and not a day goes by that he doesn't regret telling her that.
"Daisy, I know we are not on the best terms, and trust me that doesn't even do justice to what terms we are on, but if I could please talk to you, for even five minutes that would mean the world to me right now."

Daisy was flabbergasted, by he had seen that bit of hope gleam in his eyes, and with out think she nodded.

"Well, while you guys go do that." Phoebe said, licking her fingers from eating her wings.
"I'm going to get more of these wonderful magic wings." holding up the empty basket and turned to go the food counter.
Daisy and Daniel both sat down, and Daisy fiddled with her fingers as she waited for him to speak up.

"Daisy." He began softly, he didn't want to speak to loud, think that she was going to break. "First of all I just really want to apologize, for everything. But Daisy I really did love you, I know it probably doesn't seem like it, but-"

"I couldn't breath without you." Daisy choked back a sob, "I felt as if I was suffocating, drowning under water. You were the only one who can help me, and you weren't there."

"Daisy I realized I made a mistake...but please."

"Don't mock me Daniel, I lost hope a long time ago."

"Please, can we at least become friends? That's all I want, I mean I still love you, but as they say 'if you love them set them free, but if they come back to you, you can keep them love them forever'. It's just up to you if you want to come back, but at least talk to me Daisy."

She thought about long and hard, some girls would be like 'once a heart breaker, always a heart breaker', not that she was not getting back together with him, but nodded, giving Daniel a genuine smile in a long time. They then heard a clap and noticed it was Phoebe.

"That was beautiful." She wiping away a fake tear and placing a hand on her heart. They both gave raised on an eyebrow at her.
"What? I meant my wings, what were you guys talking about?"

They both just laughed.

Holy moly, I'm super sorry to everyone!
Today was actually my last of testing so I'm free and will be back to writing regularly!
Thank you!

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