Chapter 2- Dissapear, Appear, Dissapear, Appear

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I sit down on the roof of a nearby building looking down at the alleyway below me. This should be the place. Not that it would surprise me if it wasn't. I was used to confusing places.
I heard the clip of metal rubbing against more metal. I blinked and he came into focus. The one who I saw in my dreams. Good. He could help me. I watched him for a few moments and after he finished the soul thing I jumped down. I had become quite fond of jumping off buildings. It was enjoyable.
"Hi!" I spoke happily and he turned around. The moment he did I became aware of my filthy slightly ripped dress. I was fourteen and still hadn't managed to get a new dress. I've mainly been stealing for food and ink.  I had started to draw a ton, and it was useful to have the Ink.
He scoffed then took a look at my eyes. "You're a reaper. What's your name?" He asked rather rudely and I half-way wanted to punch him, but he's my only hope. I need I know.
"Thania Crevan," I say it simply. Dad had told me he didn't want his lay name out in the world so I had my mothers. Who I had never met.
"Thania. Undertakers Daughter?" He asked me to take a step forward. I was intimidated, to say the least, but I didn't move.
"Yes. " I stood my ground and he held out his hand a large scythe appearing.
"Then this is yours. It's your death scythe. I won't teach you because of your an abomination," He mutters something I can't hear. "But I will take you to someone who will teach you. Actually. Just look for a male redhead with lots of hair on this block tomorrow." He walked off leaving me flabbergasted. He was so obnoxious. No that wasn't strong enough...he was Carking! He made me distressed, because of his annoyance so he was carking! ((Carking means to cause distress or worry for those of you who don't know...I'm a major geek))

I growled angrily and swung the scythe around in a circle. It was light, made of silver and had decorated handle. I didn't know how to hide it. Disappear. Disappear. It disappeared. Appear. Appear. It appeared in my hand again. Wow! I couldn't believe that it actually worked! Disappear. It disappeared again. Yes!
I walked back to where I had been staying late and started playing again. Disappear. Appear. It obliged. It was so cool! Disappear. Could I do anything right? Could I make anything disappear right? I picked up a book and tried it on that. It didn't work. Was it only the scythe? I think it was. I was slightly bummed but honestly, I could make a Scythe disappear. This was cool!
     After a while, I laid down on my makeshift bed and went to sleep. Tomorrow is meet whoever he was talking about. I would. And I would learn what he meant by abomination as well. Other than my ratted clothes and messy hair I considered myself okay-looking.

I sat up and exited grabbed my book full of sketches and ran to where he had told me to look around for someone. I assumed that they would stand out....((like grell in the church scene...) I climbed up a roof and laid down on my stomach pulling out my book and starting to draw in it. Various designs. Shoes. Dresses. Hats. Scythes. All sorts of things. Really just anything that had come to mind. I heard an odd sound and I looked over the edge of the building. There was a boy with an odd looking scythe. He had Long BRIGHT Red hair. I didn't know how to react. He was for sure who I was looking for, but I was surprised about the dress he was wearing. I jumped down landing on his back. "Hi! I'm Thania! I was sent to meet you by a person names Will? I think."
    The boy shook me off of his back. "I'm who you're looking for but oh honey! You absolutely need new clothes come along." He dragged me to a small house where he stripped me and put me in a fancy red dress and handed me heels. He started putting some weird stuff on my face and I shook my head lightly. What was this? "Done! Now put on the shoes and look in the mirror."
     I did as was told and was amazed. My lips were painted a bright red, my stupid light skin was even, my eyes lashes were long, my abnormal green eyes were surrounded by dark colors making them appear smokey, mysterious, and above all else badass. The dress showed a little bit of cleavage under a mesh cover, it was close and tight against my body, at the waist it flared out a tiny bit, it was made of multiple shades of red and had a little back. The heels he had given me were back with red hi-lights, and had heels so is have to figure out how to walk properly in these, but I looked...regal. "Wow.," I spoke breathlessly completely shocked on how good I looked.
    "You look much better now! Now, of course, one for your scythe. How to modify it." He held up the sketchbook I had. He was flipping through the pages uninterestedly till he got to the recent ones. "This one would look great." He pointed to a double scythe with a design on the blade and small patters in the handle.
   "That's basically what I have. I'm just missing one blade." Appear. It appeared in my hand easily. I had gotten that down to a science.
    He took it from hme and started working. "I'll have it done like in this book in an hour! Get some rest we have some work to do tomorrow."
     I nodded and laid down on the fluffy bed he had in the corner. "Thanks, grell." I fell asleep shortly after.

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