Thought 3

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It's what I strive for; that's what everyone strives for. It's the most sought out thing that every person wants. The absolute reason we try so hard every day. The problem? Most people are seeking what is already there.


Blindly following what other people preordained as beautiful, awesome, if not, perfect. We live our lives unhappy because the perfection we seek is not there. Our mind tells us that the only way to be happy in this temporary life is to seek in what we desire over what we do not have. We then begin to reprioritize things in the wrong order, disregarding what matters to us the most and concentrate on what matters to us the least.

We develop an unstoppable curiosity. We begin to question our miserable state, and blame everyone but ourselves. We fail to realize that it is due to ourselves that we have deteriorated to such a maniacal level of arrogance and ignorance.


Those are what we call them. They hate on us. They look at us and think we're perfect but were far from it. We just try a little harder than they do. Just a once more of effort. But that effort is for not. These haters bring us down. They say we're not perfect. That in fact we're the opposite; imperfect. We forget to realize that no one is perfect. Perfection doesn't exist because everyone is already perfectly imperfect.

So why do we strive for something that we already have? Easy. It's what the world tells us too. Not directly but in-between the lines of everything we do whether it be a sport, schoolwork or your career. Doctor, officer, president. Math, English, science. Football, soccer, gymnastics.


That's my sport. It's what I love do. I strive for perfection in everything I do. Why not pick the sport where you every move is judged for perfection or not? Why not just be perfect in everything I do?


Sadly, it's the one I have that everyone doesn't. Being perfect in an imperfect world is not easy. Easy is remembering everything you ever learned. Easy is graduating high school at 7 years old. Easy is getting my doctorates in psychiatry, it could have been any other subject but that one spoke to me, at the age of thirteen. But gymnastics, it wasn't easy. Probably the hardest thing I had to do in my perfect little life.

Gymnastics is all about perfection. It's the one sport where everything you do is critiqued and judged. The judges decide what score you get, what place you get and if you win—or lose. All I know is I never felt so normal in my life at all. Being in the gym was home. No one judged me because I knew everything. I was looked at as a normal person striving for the same thing:


Since everyone wants to be perfect, they do all they can to reach their goal. Walking up an infinite amount of steps to reach where they want to be. We develop an unstoppable curiosity. We begin to question our miserable state, and blame everyone but ourselves. Again, We fail to realize that it is due to ourselves that we have deteriorated to such a maniacal level of arrogance and ignorance. Then we proceed to do all we can, no matter what to reach the goal of being perfect.

But being perfect is not so easy.


Fear can hold you back from showing your full potential. It's a determining factor in whether you win or lose. They may say to "play every game like it was your last," but fear can hold you back from it. That's the thing, fear, as it may exist in everyone, the obsessed overcome it. Obsessed is just what the lazy and fearful use to describe the dedicated. The fear I possess though, is not one of winning or losing, but, the one that another person other than yourself can instill inside you. The one person who tells you that success is not coming your way.

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2017 ⏰

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