Chapter 3

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2 Weeks Later

{Sienna's POV}

It's been a couple weeks and I'm glad I told Imani about what happened. She's been a great friend and always keeps me laughing.

I'm crying less now but it's still too much for me. "Good Morning Mani." I said smiling. "Good morning SiSi."

"What's good this morning?" I asked as she made the breakfast. She been babying me up since I told her. "Nothing much. Where you gotta go today?"

"Mani you don't have to be up under me all the time." I said. "Nah I'm not leaving your side. Last time I did shit happened." She mumbled referring to the rape.

"Anyway I don't have anywhere to be. So you free." "Aight love. Let me know if you need anything." She muttered.

This is exactly why I didn't want anybody to know. The special treatment is annoying to me.

"Mani, I really don't want you treating me differently. That's why I didn't want to tell you. Just be normal. Ok?" "Fine." she muttered sighing.

I've been thinking about that cute boy, Chris from the clinic a lot. I had some time to think and get myself together. Maybe I'll call him later.

{Chris' POV}

I woke up to the scent of bacon and eggs. I was hungry as fuck so I headed downstairs to stuff my face. "Mona Lisa!" I sang imitating Slick Rick.

She chuckled saying "Morning Chris." "Morning Mona. What you cooking?" "Eggs, bacon and some leftover pork chops." she said imitating Momma from the Friday movie. She wasn't even cooking Pork Chops. Its just our morning ritual.

That's our movie to help us through anything. No matter what, it would always make us happier. We watched it together every night for some months after our parents died.

"You good? How's my niece?" I asked her. "I'm tired, Miracle. She kept me up kicking all night."

She called me Miracle because my parents couldn't have kids and after they adopted Mona, my mom got pregnant with me. She calls me Miracle sometimes.

"After you finish making my breakfast, go see if you could get some rest. I got a date tonight." I said with a smirk.

"With who?" She asked. "A chick named Nia." "What about that girl from the clinic?" She questioned giving me my breakfast.

"She wasn't interested." I replied with disappointment all over my face. "Chris What I teach you about girls?" "If she act uninterested, she is. If she acts interested, she looking for a baby daddy."

"Exactly. Call her again sometime." "Aight I got you." We talked and laughed while eating breakfast. All we had was each other.

That night....

{Sienna's POV}

Imani had began to treat me normal and it was all good. She had a guy over tonight. First guy since I told her what happened.

I'm not about to sit here and listen to them fucking. As I was about to get ready to leave, She came in and said he was taking her to a romantic dinner.

"You going on a romantic dinner?" I asked laughing. "Shut Up SiSi. I'll be back later." "Aight Mani."

Now I was home alone. I got a sudden unsettling feeling in the pit of my stomach. I felt exposed, unsafe. I called the only person I could think of. Chris.

The phone rang and rang for a while before he answered. When he finally answered, I got butterflies in my stomach. "Hello? Yo Anybody there? Helllooo?"

I choked and hung up the phone. I was being nervous, childish and stupid. I called back again. He answered in a flash this time. "Hello?" he said in his sexy ass voice.

"Uhh H-Hey. It's Sienna. You remember me?" I replied nervously. "Yea how could I forget you? Wassup girl?" I giggled responding "I'm good. Just decided to call you. Uhh Can you c-come over?"

"Uhhh yea sure. What the address so I can put it in my GPS?" I gave him the address and he said he'd be right over. I couldn't wait until he got here.

{Chris' POV}

I was on the date with this Nia girl and it was boring as fuck to be honest. All she could talk about was herself. I really hate self centered people.

Self confidence is cool but don't over do that shit. "Last year, I was in the honors class. Everyone was so proud of me." she said smiling.

"Uh that's interesting girl." I said trying to sound like I was the least bit interested. I just want this date to be over.

Too bad it just started. At that moment, my phone rang. I pulled it out and checked the number. It seemed familiar. I paused Nia and answered.

"Hello? Yo Anybody there? Helllooo?" I said with confusion in my voice. The phone then hung up. Who could that be? Nia started back talking about herself, annoying me.

When my phone rang again, I quickly answered. "Hello?" I said calmly. "Uhh H-Hey. It's Sienna. You remember me?" a familiar voice replied.

"Yea how could I forget you? Wassup girl?" I responded. Letting out a giggle, She said "I'm good. Just decided to call you. Uhh Can you c-come over?"

"Uhh.." I paused for a second looking over at Nia. A way out of this stupid date. "yea sure. What the address so I can put it in my GPS?"

Sienna gave me the address and I replied "I'll be right over." After she hung up, I went back to the table and paid for the meal. "Nia, this was amazing but I have to check on my sister." I said lying.

"Ok I'll see you again soon?" She asked. "Uhh I'll call you" I said leaving. I got into my car and drove to the address Sienna gave me.

I wonder what caused her to call me? Ha it doesn't even matter. I'm just glad she did.

When I got there, I came out and went up to the door. I knocked and fixed myself quickly. "Who is it?" her sweet voice asked from the other side of the door.

"It's Chris." I replied. "Coming." she softly sang. When she opened the door, she took my breath away. She had on a tank top and some short, looking fine as hell. That shouldn't take my breath away so easily but she worked that.

"Damn Sienna." I muttered. "What?" she asked blushing. "You look amazing. You dress like this for me?" "Boy bye. I was wearing this before I even called your ass."

"I see you got jokes. Can I come in?" I asked. "Yea. Why you so dressed up?" She asked. "Girl you saved my life. I was on the most boring date ever. All she could do was talk about herself."

"You're welcome." she said laughing. "So Chris What do you want to do?" "I want to be a singer. I want to be like Michael Jackson but in my own unique way."

"And how's that going for you?" She asked. "It's going pretty good. Got some meetings with some record labels lined up."

"That's good. I can tell you gonna make it." She said with the warmest smile. "What you want to do?"

"I want to be an artist. Make art that people will love. That's my dream." "Forreal? I paint when I need to calm down. We should do something together sometime."

She smiled at me seeing that we had something in common. I felt connected to her in a weird way. Like we'd never be apart for too long.


A/N: I hope yall are enjoying this. I want this story to be perfect. Thanks for reading. Vote And Comment your thoughts. Chapter dedicated to @__Lamadequishaaaaaa cause i felt like it :p 

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