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I was back from school and I was very hungry so I rushhhheedd into the kitchen. I then slammed my bag on the floor and bagged into the refrigerator to reach for a bowl of vanilla and chocolate ice cream. I also got myself a red velvet cupcake. I put the cake in the microwave for 20 minute and waited impatiently. It was all heated up now so I took both the ice cream and cake and then sat on the tiled kitchen floor and began to eat what I called "heaven".Cutie pie is that you in the kitchen. I really hope she's the one because I am tired of that huge,hairy, grayish rat that refused to stop living under my kitchen cabinet. Have had enough of it. I think I should just send it to his ancestors.where is my broom stick ohhh there it is. I really hope he didn't invite it's friends this time. I am going to this I can't believe I am doing this. Almost there almost there. And got you ohhhh Jessica it's you. Yes mum it's me. You know for a second I thought it was that rat that has been living in the kitchen. Mum your so funny is that why you have a broom stick with you. Silly me right so how was school today I hope you didn't try to prove your physics teacher wrong today just like you did the other day when you were trying to prove to him that we don't see things because of rays rather it depends on how bright and what color the sky was. No mum I didn't but now that you said that why don't you think of it too mum. Ok cutie pie I will. Mum grab a spoon so that we can have lunch together. As you wish cutie pie.
Mum I can see that your all decked up are you going on a date. No not at all I am going to the market to get us some groceries. Ok but don't stay long you know I don't like it when it's just me and Amby( house help) at home. Don't worry cutie pie I'll be back before you know it.I think I will just go into my room and finish my assignment. Well this fractions don't look easy rather they look like they want to eat up my brain but don't worry I will conquer them with my Albert Einstein brain. Now that I am done I think I will just go outside and receive fresh air.
Hmmmm. Why do birds chirp? Why do cows mooo? Why do cats meow? Why do goats bleat? Why don't they also talk like we do since we're all on the same planet and we have some things in common. Things like eating, sleeping, drinking and even mating. I kept thinking about different things while sitting outside. I was in a deep thought that I didn't even notice that mum was back with the groceries. She went into the kitchen and dropped the groceries. Mum where are you am in my room changing my mum you look beautiful in this long Caribbean skirt. Thanks cutie pie. Let's get to the kitchen and make dinner. So what are we having for dinner potato salad. Yummm my favorite. Help me cut the vegetables while I dice the potatoes and onions. Woooww it all done. It looks so good and I know it will taste as good as it looks because my mum is the best chef I know. Ok cutie pie set the table and I bring the food. Mum it's taste so delicious I don't want to finish eating. Your so funny dear please when your done take your plate to the kitchen I'm off to bed.
Cutie pie wake up you have been sleeping for the past 11 hours. Wake up already. Mum please just some minutes mum. No, just get up this right now or I will have to splash water over your face. Okkkkk ok mum I'm up there's no need for the water splashing. Now that you're up please clean up your room and do your laundry. I'll see you soon I'm already getting late for work. Ok bye mum. Now time to clean up this dump I call a room. I'll start with arrangements then dusting will come next and after that sweeping and lastly mopping. Phew now that I am done I think I'll do my laundry and then wash off the dirt on my body.
What should I have for breakfast!!!!! I think I'll just have bread and nutella with a nice orange juice. Ohhh mum your back already. Yes and don't tell me your just having breakfast it's 11 already. Yes mum I am. I didn't finish my chores on time. Ok but I hope you did your laundry. Yes mum I did. Ok let me see. Wow you actually did my cutie pie is finally growing up. Wait a second what is this behind the washing machine. Jessica aren't these your panties. Yes mum they are. Annnnd why haven't you washed them. Mum I'm sorry but I didn't see them. It wasn't intentional . Hold on what's this on your panties . Is this blood oohhhh my goodness. Yes mum it is blood. For how long have you been seeing something like this. It was just yesterday. Then why didn't you tell me because I thought maybe I got injured in my butt. No it's not, it's more than that. I don't think this should be happening to you already. Mum what's going on please tell me. Stop crying cutie pie. I think we should go and see my gynecologist( Mrs Anisa).
Good afternoon misses Cornwell. What brings you here today. It's Jessica I just saw blood on her panties is not normal for her to have started her menstrual cycle. Yesss it is don't panic. But she's only 10. Age doesn't matter. This things don't depend on age. It depends on how you think, what you eat, the people you mingle with and your environment. That's a relief I thought maybe it was abnormal or she was having bleeding uterus or something. Thanks doctor. Mum what did the doctor say. I'll tell you when we get back home.
Mum I can't believe I have already attained puberty. Yes you have cutie pie but don't forget that now you have to keep distances with boys. I know mum, I know. You are always saying it. Yes it's only a reminder cutie pie.

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