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Polygamy | Cross posted on aff :>


"Where's Jisoo?" Seungcheol asked when Jeonghan entered alone on their shared apartment. "He's at Hansol's." Jeonghan answered uninterestedly. Seungcheol frowned, eyeing the latter, who continued to his room.

"Again? What is he doing there?" He asked, following Jeonghan into his room. "I don't know. He just said he's dropping by." The younger said as he strip off his school uniform and changed into more comfortable ones.

"Come on Cheol, don't pull that frowny face. You're not a boyfriend." Jeonghan said and dragged the older to their living room. "You're not too but you seem so down." The blonde one just rolled his eyes, sitting down on their couch and turned the TV on.

"He'll be here before 10:30."

"He should be, that's a rule. He's been dropping by there for like almost a month." Seungcheol said and sat beside the younger.

"Just calm down okay, he'll be safe. And wow, aren't you so jealous, huh?" Seungcheol pouted and mumbled a 'whatever' as he pulled Jeonghan for a cuddle.

"Why, are you not jealous? He hasn't been hanging out with us for how many days." He said. Jeonghan snorted. Of course he is. They all know, Hansol and Jisoo has been pretty close since they met because of having the same language, but is he in the position to be jealous? Of course he isn't. He's just a bestfriend.

"It's hard." He answered the older.

"Yeah, what's new. There's Seokmin, Jihoon, Hansol, Chan. Wow, isn't he too handsome." Jeonghan visibly cringes at what Seungcheol said, making the older chuckle.

"How! Are my three fave hyungs?!" A sudden burst at their front door, there stood a giant, canine-teeth creature, arms spread and eyes closed with a wide smile.

"Mingyu? What are you doing here?" Jeonghan asked, making face at their friend. Mingyu grinned. "I'm here for dinner! What's for dinner?" He asked as he continued walking to their kitchen.

Seungcheol's eyebrow raised seeing how Mingyu checked their dining table and refrigerator. "Where's Jisoo hyung?" The youngest asked and propped himself down on a single-seater couch, holding a carton of milk.

"He's at Hansol's." The oldest replied, bitterness is obvious.

"Awe, poor hyungies." Mingyu said as he pulled off a sad face. "Sucks huh." Well, among all of Seungcheol and Jeonghan's friend, Mingyu is the only one who knew about their secret little feelings toward each other and Jisoo. Yes. Towards each other and towards Jisoo.

"Well, I'm here! Adopt me! Before Junhui hyung does. Please!" Jeonghan looked at him disgustingly. "What you mean adopt you?" Mingyu shrugged. "Have me instead. I'll love you both equally." The youngest said and grinned before making kiss faces.

"Mingyu, it's time to hajima. Get out." The said boy pouted. "Why won't you two give me love?" He said as he puppy eyed, which making both of his hyungs to cringe.

"You want love huh, you want love?!" Seungcheol threatened and tackled the boy down, an arm wrapped aroung Mingyu's neck. "Ack!! A--ackk!! C-can't b..b-rea...the!" Mingyu shrieked as he struggled off of Seungcheol's grasp.

"I'll give you love Gyu," Now Jeonghan attacked, tickling the youngest in the room on his sides. "A-aahhh! Hahahaha! St-Op! StoP! Hahahaha-haha! He-lp m-me aCk-!!" Poor Mingyu.

"What are you guys doing?" The three males froze as they heard a familiar voice from the door. Jisoo.

There, in Jisoo's eyes lies, on their living room floor, Mingyu on his back, Jeonghan sitting on his stomach, while Seungcheol holding the youngest's hands above his head.

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