Blind love ( an eyeless jack love story )

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{Brittany's pov}

I walk into my house, it's very late, way past my curfew. I was at a party and was supposed to be home at 11, it's 3 am. I walk upstairs and my parents door is cracked. I look in, hoping to find them sleeping. Instead I find them sleeping, but their bodies cut open. I see a jar on the floor with what looks to be kidneys.

I'm about to scream when a hand is placed over my mouth. I look behind me and see a young boy, about my age, 17. He wears a black hoodie, black skinny jeans, and a blue mask. The blue mask has black liquid dripping from it and some brown hair peeks out between the hood and the mask.

He lifts up a scalpel, and as he's about to stab me with it, I get out of his grip. I run downstairs and grab a large kitchen knife. He comes down and I point it at him. He trips and I hold the knife to his neck. As I'm about to stab him, he says something. Something that I only ever told one person about.

" ARRIN!" He yells, attempting to save his life.

"What? How, wait do you know what that is?!"

"I-I- uh"

"Who are you a stalker?!"

"My name is eyeless jack."

"Ok, eyeless jack!" I say tearing up," why did you kill my parents?!"

"Have you ever heard of predator and prey?"


After I let him talk for a bit, I hit him with the butt of the knife and he passed out.I go and set him on my couch, and take out my phone. As I begin to type in 911, something in me tells me to stop.

I look up and see the jar of kidneys rolling down the stairs. My parents come after it. They show no emotion, and say ," God makes good people, the devil makes bad people, which are you?!" And they begin to scream.


I scream myself awake. A dream, it was all a dream.....right? I look around and find myself on my couch. I'm in the clothes I was at the party in. I get up and go to the kitchen, when the boy from my dream closes the fridge. I back up until I hit the wall.

"Nononononononononononono!" I stutter



".....sorry arrin..."


Blind love ( an eyeless jack love story ) **COMPLETED**Where stories live. Discover now