Chapter 3: Great Awakening

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Chapter 3: Great Awakening

"Edge, we are proud to have you in our organization."  A man in a dark navy cloak speaks to me from atop the highest pedestals alongside his brothers. The one to his left wears a crimson wine cloak and the brother to his right wears a dark green. Those are the only distinctive factors of the men before me. They could trade cloaks every day and I wouldn't know the difference, but it's a symbol for what assassins are supposed to be; hidden in the shadows or in plain sight. No one has ever seen the elders without their hoods shadowing their faces.

Everything within the inner sanctum is a metaphor for everything we are supposed to be.

"Thank you, Master." I bow my head low enough to where the strands of my black hair brush the stone tile in respect for the men who have taken me into this life.

After a couple of moments to ensure I was respectful enough, I raise my head to peer up at the elders as they look down upon me from their positions high above the great hall. "You've become our champion Edge and at such a young age too." It's true, I was only fifteen when I earned the title of champion while most assassins under the Master's were much older than I. It makes me a threat with a target pinned to my back.

Everyone was always competing to be the best. It was easy to say I wasn't liked among the assassins.

I achieved the ultimate title that many assassins train decades to have even just a chance of earning it.

The head of the Masters steps down and bestows upon me The Ring of Shadows. An artifact only was given to those who have brought greatness to themselves and the organization with no name. The cool metal sent chills up my arm as I slid it onto my finger where it fit as if it was made to be there; which it was.

"I'll continue to please my Masters." I proclaimed to make my usual promise that day, though it held more weight to it than it ever had before. The shadowed man nodded before returning to his spot beside his brothers. "See to it that you do. Goodbye Edge."

I nodded at my dismissal and fell backward through the unknown portal. If I had to describe it, it's like a falling angel mixed with what mortals call sky diving.

I won't be coming back to the place I've been raised and trained to be everything I am now. Because if I'm ever within those walls again, it'll be my death day.

I close my eyes and allow my body to plummet towards the bottom. That's why the portal is called the unknown because no one ever reaches the bottom to find out what lies there before they're transported to another realm. I keep my eyes closed and feel the wind roll past my fingers and cheeks before I landed somewhere.

"Show time."

The catchphrase was born that day.

I don't know how long I've been unconscious, but now my mind is awake and wandering while my body is very much asleep.

This isn't an unusual occurrence for people like me to experience. It's like a defense under extreme circumstances where if our bodies have fallen without our will, our mind will awaken and allow us to know our surroundings before we awaken.

All I can feel are the vibrations of a wagon or something of the sort. With my senses heightened, I can feel every little pebble, every tiny insect's life we end, and even the patter of feet as the wagon drag me along. I can't hear much over the racket of the wheels and the horse's hooves, but I can vaguely make out the sound of a man's voice, though no words sounded distinct enough to comprehend. I can also smell, but I really wish I couldn't. This is why my location was a city and not a farm.

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