1st January, 58 BC

35 1 1

1er Janvier


Dear diary,
I think I should introduce myself. Je m'appele Gaul, I share my name with mommy, she is really great and powerful! Mommy said I'm not like all other boys, she said I'm different, I won't grow quickly like all other children, she doesn't grow either because we're both different. Mommy doesn't let me play with other boys, I don't understand what she means when she says one day they will disappear and I won't... I don't want that to be true... I don't ever want to be alone. Since I can't play with other children I don't have anyone to play with, mama doesn't let me go out when it's cold so I guess I'll stay home for now.
I want a friend.
Mommy promised me that she would make me meet another boy like me, she said his name is Albion but I don't know anything else yet. I'm very excited to meet Albion and I hope we'll be great friends!
It's really cold today, so cold that some...what was the name again? Snow! So cold that some snow is coming through the hay on the roof. The sun is starting to set here, soon the gates of the village will be locked so scary animals don't come inside and hurt us, mommy always helps closing the gates but I can never help, she said I'm still too weak for that. I want to grow up soon so I can help with things like that, I promise I'll be very big and strong to help mommy in the village.
Mommy told me today how I was born, I asked her if I had a papa and she said I did but didn't want to tell me who it was... I don't understand why she doesn't want to tell me... I want to know who my papa was.
Mommy said when two people like her really love each other they do something magic and a flower is born, mommy said my flower was a beautiful red rose and from that flower fell a petal, that was how I was born, from a flower created by love. After someone like moi is created they need someone to look after them until they are grown and strong enough to take care of themselves.
If it is as mommy says... love is beautiful thing.
I'm really tired now so I will go to sleep and write again tomorrow!
Bonne nuit!


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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2017 ⏰

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