Chapter 1-Pilot

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It was a warm, summers day. Jaya sat on the balcony checking her phone for anything that would amuse her. The blankets of sand lapped on the beach and the crystal waves gently crashed onto the bay. Jaya's house overlooked Marin beach, where she had a very clear view of the Golden Gate Bridge. Her life was pretty much perfect, she was free to do whatever she liked, when she wanted to, and how she wanted to do it. She wasn't the popular of people, but she had a lot of friends. Well, this is all before 'the incident' happened, we'll get to that later though. Her best friend was a boy named Will, they did everything together and her brother ,Ethan, sometimes tagged along with these things as well. Will was a gentle boy with a kind heart, they'd both been friends since second year started. That was about 7 years ago. The two are inseparable and I highly doubt anyone would ever come between them. Jaya was a tanned girl with sky blue eyes that shone out on her face. Her hair was black and always braided into two fishtail plaits. She had a little button nose with a small piercing on the left of it, she was nearly always wearing her sidemen t-shirt with a little chain on her wrist that her mother gave her before she died. Will was a pale boy with dark green eyes, his hair was a very dark brown as it stuck out through the front of  his cap. He had a strong jaw line and always wore a black, trendy jumper.

On the 23rd September 2018, something horrific happened to the earth. Water started rising, the ground started shaking and everyone was in terrible danger. Bridges were collapsing all over the place and it was only a matter of time till the Golden Gate Bridge was next. Jaya and Will were sat on the beach, when they realised the ground shaking from beneath them. As Will looked into the distance, Jaya  stared at Will with a concerned look on her face.
"Let's go inside, something's wrong" Jaya grabbed Wills hand as Will followed her into the house.
Suddenly, a screeching sound bellowed from above them. Little did they know they were witnessing the Golden Gate Bridge collapsing and obliterating everything around them. Will overtook Jaya and picked her up in his arms, he sprinted into Jaya's house and placed her under the nearest table. The ground started to shake beneath them as they both knew there was something horrifically wrong ...

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2017 ⏰

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