The Scene After

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SpongeBob's POV, Starting right where the episode left off

As I peered into the cell that contained the Tattletale Strangler, I sighed in relief knowing that I won't be strangled anytime soon. Though that was my primary feeling, I was still very confused on how I never realized that my bodyguard was him the whole time. He ironically did a good job protecting me from himself, although it could of just been a chain of events that prevented him from hurting me.

How could I have not known it was him though? Was I so gullible that a fake mustache could make anyone look like a completely different person in my eyes? I almost laughed at that thought. I seriously need to start re-evaluating certain situations...

Coming back to my senses, I noticed Patrick sitting in the cell with the Strangler. "Pat, what are you doing in there?" I yell whispered through the bars.

He returned my gaze through half lidded eyes. "Didn't you hear? I was the Tattletale Strangler all along. Can you believe it?" The Strangler looked back at Patrick with a stupid look.

"You're not serious, are you really that stupid?" The Strangler accentuated his words with disbelief.

Patrick gave him a pat on the back, "You'd be surprised."

A guard soon came over and brought Patrick out of the cell after running some background tests, showing that he indeed was not the Tattletale Strangler. I stayed behind as he left, wanting to possibly exchange some words with the Strangler.

"So you were... well, you the whole time?" I asked as I leaned against the outside of the cell.

"Obviously." He said with sarcasm as he went to lay down on his cell bed. "I honestly didn't expect you to buy into my mustache disguise. No sensible person would fall for that."

I turned to face towards the cell with a hurt expression. "I'll have you know that I'm sensible where it counts!" I grab onto the bars frown.

"Oh, and keeping yourself alive doesn't count?" He chuckled as he propped himself up on one arm to see me.

"It's not everyday that my life is threatened. It's happened maybe only twice." I think back to when Flats 'kicked my butt', even though it only tickled, and the hitman Plankton once hired to kill me.

"When I get out, you might want to start being more cautious, kid." He glared. "I can't guarantee that I won't just strangle you out in the open next time."

"Well, you have a life sentence. You won't be out anytime soon." I back away from the cell, and turn to leave when he says;

"Wait and see."

--- AN --- What I want SpongeBob to say -"Strangle me daddy"
I honestly like this weird pair. I saw the episode earlier, and I needed to write a fanfic. Yay or Nay?

Tattletale Strangler X SpongeBob SquarePants Where stories live. Discover now