Amazing and Inspirational Quotes

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Hey guys! I know it's completely unnecessary starting another book, especially considering that I can barely find the time to update now. I have some major family problems going on on my dad's side of the family :( but don't worry. 

I love quotes and my friend tells me I'm "inspiring" so I wanted to share some of my favorite quotes with you lovely people! 

Also, another thing. My mom tells me I can start making YouTube videos when I'm 13. Would any of you watch them? They're probably going to be really stupid. I will act like I'm famous and known, like I do here :( but yeah...

QUOTES! There will be a picture for some of them, by the way. 

Please go check out my other stories and stuff! I will update until I run out of quotes. I have a lot of quotes on my phone but I could run out. So maybe often, maybe not. If you have any quotes and requests, message me or comment!

WARNING: Some of these may be privated because of graphic images to the side or suicide/self-harming quotes. Follow me if you want to read those.

I love all of you gorgeous Cupcakes!!
-Logan Jane

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