A/N: What Do You Have To Say?

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Hey guys,

First of all, THANK YOU to everyone who's reading this book! Remember, we'd love to hear what you have to say, it's nice to know whether people agree with what we're writing! And even if you don't, please tell us! We want this book to, while defending James, be completely honest for both sides. Anyone who's been reading can see that we aren't avoiding the facts that we Jily shippers might not like, because we want this to be full of legitimate reasons, not just biased opinions. So anyways, please comment, your agreement or disagreement- we love hearing from you either way!!

And, I want to give you all the opportunity to pitch in. If you have another reason in mind why Jily is better than Snily that hasn't been written about yet, feel free to mention it in the comments below! If we agree with your reason, one of us will write a chapter on it, and we'll mention you in it! :)

Thanks for reading!

-Alyssa :)

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