Chapter 5

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Shimmers POV

As I sat in our cell I dosed off. Sleep has been little and far between. As I lay there on the lumpy prision like bed a wonderful image began to form in my head. Flowes everywhere. Lillies, roses, sun flowers, and my favourite, pink petunias.

I was laying in the soft green grass surrounded by these beautiful flowers. The sky was a bright blue with a soft wind blowing fluffy clouds across the sky. Sun shined ddown on me and warmed my face. I wish I could be here for real.

Off to the side of the medow I heard bushes rustle. After the rustling a georgous man walked in. I could tell right away he was a farie, like me. He proceedes to walk over to me with the biggest smile on his face.

"Hi," he said looking down on me, "im Dai, whats your name?"

"Im Shimmer." I said smiling brightly up at him.

"Would you like to go for a walk with me?" he asked with hope in his eyes.

"I would love too." I said hapily as I hopped up off the ground. We walked side by side further into the medow. As we walked I started to get an eerie feeling. Something was wrong, but I couldnt place it.

A few moments later the sky started too change, and with it so did Dai. The weather turned stormy, and Dai got a look of absolute madness in his eyes as he lunged at me.

"Why wont you let us use your powers?!" he hollered at me pinning me to the ground. "It will be better for us all." he said as his figure started to morph.

I was horrified by what I was seeing. Dai was becoming a grotesque monster. He had scales forming and a snake like tounge lolled out of his mouth as he looked at me. Then it all vanished.

I awoke screaming to Taya shaking me. She had a worried look on her face.

"Shimmer, are you okay?" she asked.

"Bad....bad dream." I murmered, "This cell is just getting to me. I need to be outside. In nature."

"I know," she said comfortingly "we all want out."


"Have you gotten any ideas on how to make them talk yet?"

"No, but if we are going to get them to talk we need to get Rina to agree. None of them will do anything without her say. She seems to be the one keeping them quiet."

"You're right. Jaydee get them to talk. I dont care how you do it. Just get it done."

"Yes sir."



It had been a while sense any guards had come in to see us. Or the creepy doctor guy.  He had pulled us all out over the last few days. Trying to get us to talk. That hasnt worked well for him. We all have a problem doing what we are told, and when it is a guy that has been keeping you locked up, you dont exactly want to talk to  him.

I really want to know how they have managed to keep our powers from working. I never knew that that was possible. But i guess with the way technology has been progressing as of late I shouldnt be that surprised.

"Hey Rina," I asked "do you know how they are keeping us from using our powers?"

"Nope. I didnt think that it would ever be possible. The only way that I have ever heard of that works is to use a witch. But that would mean that one of our own has turned her back on us."

"Is that not a death sentance?"

"Yeah it is. So if they are using a witch I sure hope she has a damn good reason for turing on us. I mean witches are loners. They dont usually have much contact with anyone, let alone humans. Maybe they captured her?"

"Could be. Or they took her family. Either way the poor thing  is being used, well that is if it really is a witch."

"Its a witch or some new technology that they have created. It doesnt matter all that much really. We just need to find a way out of here. With all of us getting out in one peice. Maybe if we can find the source of the block we can shut it down and get the hell out of here."

After a while of discussing the block we both faded off into scilence. Being bored is really the only thing that we have to do around here. Well and eat when they decide to let us out. I really wish I had my book or something. Or music. Music would make this go by a lot faster.

We had both been laying around in scilence for about an hour when the door gave a high pitched beep then slid open. In walked a cocky looking male. He was in his twenties with short brown hair and bright green eyes. He seemed happy to be here seeing as he had this really goofy grin on his face.

"Hey there girls, im Jaydee and I am here to help you."

Rina and I both lay in our beds flabergasted at this guy. What makes him think that we want his help? He really looks like he should be in college, not in some secret prision for the supernatural. \

"You're here to help? How in the hell do you think you can help us. I bet you are just working for the creepy doctor guy."

"Well you are right about that. The doctor is creepy. But he does have a name you know." he answered.

"And what makes you think that we care about his name? Maybe we all just want to rip his head off for keeping us all here. In fact, that sounds like a fun idea to me." Rina said with a glare on her face.

"Well someone is touchy. I am just here to help after all. I really dont want to see you pretty young ladies kept in this cell any longer then need be. But if I am going to get you out, then you need to help me. Which means giving the creepy doctor what he wants."

"Like hell we will." I replied.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2012 ⏰

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