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We are counting the year 1920.
Our story starts in the mountains of New England. There, barely visible and surrounded by pinetrees, is a little cabin. Signs all around it demand not to disturb the cabins owner. But no one could anyway. Not even the thunderstorm outside his house could. On days like today, he works day and night to become a great scientist, but when one of his mixtures blew up in his face, he knew it was a long way to go, until he reaches what he wants to be.
But then all of the sudden, he hears a deep voice coming from his radio. "Say Pal, looks like you're having some trouble" the voice began to chuckle. "I have secret knowledge I can share with you" The scientist couldn't believe what he heard. He grabbed the Radio and lifted it in the air. But what he didn't realised is, that the radio was unplugged.
"Do you think you are ready?" the voice ripped him out of his thoughts, but the scientist hastely nodded his head. "Ok then!" the voice cheered. In this moment there was a lightningbolt outside. In the light you could see a towering shadow with it's hand reached out for the scientist on the wall. But just for a split second. The scientist lifted up the radio. A burning sensation went through his body. Thousands of thoughts went through his head at once. The sensation turned into pain, he couldn't handle the knowledge but then, it stopped. Everything was silent. No static from the radio, No howling storm, no creaking floorboards...
Just pure silence. When the scientist finally opened his eyes, a wide grin replaced the shock on his face. He placed the radio down and got right to work. But everything failed as usual. The being from the radio began to raise it's voice again. "Still having problems? Maybe you you try building this. It will help you understand". Blueprints appeared from thin air on his table. He couldn't believe his eyes, but he started studying them. It was a machine, nothing more, what could be bad about it? So he started working on it. It took him many days to accomplish what was written on the blueprints. A thousand times he went back and started studying them again. But the question, how they even got here, grew big in his mind. This offended him as a scientist.
Countless days and a cut in the hand later, the machine was finally done. It was towering over the scientist with it's dark appearance. "Exellent!" the voice from the unplugged radio spoke. "Now throw the switch!" they demanded. The scientist hesitated and looked at his masterpiece. He build it from only a picture with nothing more than wood and some old rain railings. "Do it!" the voice demanded in a harsh tone. In suprise, the scientist pulled the lever as demanded. The machine started to activate itself. As a lightening bold hit a tree outside, the scientist could swear that the machine formed a face.
He backed off. What was this sorcery? A black shadow appeard under him as the radio voice started to laugh maniacly. Shadow hands erupted from the floor and grabbed after the scientist. He tried to escape them but they got hold of then and pulled them into the shadow beneath him. Into the realms of them.

Everything was silent and dark. The scientist tried moving his limbs. First his right arm, than his left arm. His left leg, and then his right leg. Nothing happened. Slowly, the silent turns into rustling of threes. Soon, the chirping of birds joined. He started feeling the soft grass under his body and he started moving his fingers. With his eyes still closed, he thought about what might have happened and where he is. Then there was a sound that the scientist can't identify. "Say pal," a strangely familiar voice spoke
"You don't look so good. You better find something to eat before night comes." the scientist heard that weird sound again. Right after that, he snaps out of his conscious unconsciousness and lifts his torso from the ground. He had marks from the grass on his arms, he must have been lying there for quite some time. A thousand questions Flough through his head again.
"Where am I?" "What happened?" "Who was that?" were some of them.

Then he remembered. He was tricked into building the machine. And now he is here. "That voice..." he mumbled and thought about it. He suddently realises that it was the voice from the radio. "Whoever this was, he must have know what he did..." The scientist stands up and tries to hold his balance. The sun was shining down at him without mercy, so he quickly walked under a tree. He didn't wanted to get sunburns, even tho this wouldn't be his worst problem. "Where am I...?" he mumbled as he looked at the wound of his hand. Then he made his hand into a fist and looks forward. "I should find civilisation. Yes, that would be a good idea" he started walking.

Soon, he reached some kind of savanna. He looked around and spotted some bunnies, but...
Something was diffrent. They were smaller than normal bunnies, had black horns grwoing from their heads and white open eyes without pupils.
"T-this..." the Scientist stuttered. He was starting to question if this is real or still just a dream, so he continued walking. Some minutes later he found a little path of stone. "Will this bring me to a villiage?" he asked himself. There was just one way to find it out. He followed the path until he saw some little cabins. "A village!" he cheered and his walking sped up into running until he stops hastely. "W-wait what?!" his glance felt on the cabins and then at the pigs. "Pigs?" some of then looked at him with a confused look. Then they continue with whatever they where doing that moment before.

"No no no no no!" the Scientist holds his head and looks to the ground. "Th-this can't be...
Pigs on two legs and chatting like humans...
That's not possible! I-I-I must be dreaming!" he keeps walking. Then a disgusting smell from somewhere appeared. "Ew..." the scientist put the cloths of his shirt infront of his nose. The smell was unbearable. The scientist came closer to the source of the smell. It was a pighead on a stick. 4 of them to be exact. They were put around a broken stone. The scientist studied it for a moment and touched it accidently. There was a loud sound, the stone began to glow so light that the scientist had to look away. When he looked back, the stone was completed. "What the devil...?" he mumbled and pushed himself of the ground. He kept walking for a while until he reached a stonebiom. The ground felt much more secure than the turf he walked on before, so he had no fear to just stumble. He sped up. The scientist found some flints and decided to sharpen them at the edge, maybe to cut down trees. He would probably need them. That's when he saw it. It was a little strawcircle with an egg inside. The scientist looked around, then back to the egg. Hunger started developing inside his stomach and he licked his lip. He could make scrambled eggs or many other tasty things, he wouldn't have to stick to berries. He stood up. Slowly he neared himself to the nest, looking around carefully. He then grabs the egg as fast a he could and ran away. There were steps coming from far and a bird with long, slim legs came into view. He ran as fast as his legs could carry him, until the motherbird gave up. It slowly got darker and the scientist quickly cut some wood and lit a temporare fire. He took a seat on a log. Driven crazy by hunger, he started to examine the egg and got a stone to crack it open. he placed it infront of the fire to let the insides cook, but then, it happened. There ware a little picking noise coming from inside the egg. Whatever was in there, was hatching. Curious he watched it happen and soon a little black and small bird with one big eye hatched.
"Oh hello little one" he said, ignoring the growling of his stomach. Shivering hands picked the little bird up. "You must be cold" he whispered and opened his vest. Carefully he pressed the bird against his chest and wrapped the vest around it. The smallbird cuddled against him and closed his eye.
"My name is wilson and who are you?"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2017 ⏰

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