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"Why didn't you tell me, Pinetree?"

"You're an all knowing demon, Bill. How didn't you know?"


He slapped me.

I took it.

Just like I had for all these years.

It didn't matter anymore.

Dipper chuckles. Maybe he could summon Bill to kill him.

That'd piss off Ford for sure.

But i deserve it, don't it?

For being so....

"You're worthless! An absolute failure! No wonder your parents wanted to get rid of you!"

Hah. Dipper thinks. Funny you should say that...



"Hey Dipper! Want to see something cool?" Shooting Star sneered at me.

I sighed. This couldn't be good.

Shooting Star grabbed the book I was currently trying to read, 10 Reasons Why, and slammed it on the floor.

I'm sorry, floor. You don't deserve that. You didn't ask to be a floor. Huh, who knows, maybe you did? You probably have dreams you want to live, but you're stuck here, as a floor, never given a second thought. You're such an ambitious floor.

"Whatcha thinkin' bout, loser?" Shooting Star taunted. I sighed again. You're not aloud to talk to Shooting Star, remember? It's disrespectful and you'll get another beating.

"Don't ignore me, nerd!" Shooting Star was getting mad, Dipper could tell.

But he wasn't aloud to speak. He would get beat. But he would also get beaten for ignoring Shooting Star.

He sighed again. Sign language! That's it! Dipper thought suddenly.

He learned sign language from Soos. Soos always came in after a beating to check on Dipper, and make sure he was okay.

Yes, Shooting Star? He said in sign language.

"What? I don't speak nerd language." Shooting Star laughed at her own joke.

Oh my stars, Shooting Star. It's called sign language. Sixer can do it too. Dipper resisted the urge to roll his eyes.

"Whatever." Shooting Star punched him, leaving through the door.

Dipper held his face.

And sighed.

He wished someone would save him from the Hell hole.

"FREAK!! GET DOWN HERE." Dipper heard Sixer shout from down stairs.

Yup, I'm in trouble. Dipper thought, silently making his way down stairs.

He entered the room being welcomed by a hard slap.

"Why didn't you answer your sister, you worthless freak!?" Sixer yelled at him

I did answer her Six- Mr. Pines. Dipper realized his mistake and quickly fixed it.

"You know she doesn't know sign language!!! You should've written it down on paper!!!" Sixer shouted at him. Stars, does this man ever not scream?

My apologises, Mr. Pines. Dipper was upset, but hid it, knowing that if he complained, he would get a kick

"That's it! You're so disrespectful, you useless slut!"

That's a new one.

"You want to act like a slut, I'll treat you like one." Fuck. Dipper knew where this was going.

Dipper mentally groaned.  Not again.

Dipper was dragged by his ear down to Sixer's basement.

Please save me.

[DISCONTINUED]Why Didn't You Tell Me, Pinetree?Where stories live. Discover now