Transmission 1, series 1, part 2

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I'm silent for a moment before I answer Jeff.

"Our fellow teams relayed that there appear to be a variety of traps – among them being things like pig balls, ice traps, time traps, random weapons, tripwires, explosives – you name it they got it. So avoid anything suspicious. And the burned out warehouse on Storm Hill. Avoid that at all costs." I explain.

Then we take to the trees. We divide into groups – me and Glitch [get off my back I know my grammar is crap], Kumo and Cion and Luc. he's on his own cause he prefers it that way – being the left hand of Satan and all. Pity it's getting dark... that will make this a hell of a lot harder.

Then we're moving. The proxies move in a wave of danger that would strike fear into the hearts of any sane person. Good thing we're already insane!

Glitch and I run into Nomazu first. The bad boy werewolf is wearing his typical sleeveless vest and jeans. While he's fast in his were form, he can't physically strike Glitch. Nomazu lunges at Glitch who is currently attempting to pull Falchion out of the wooden door next to us so I step in and deliver a roundhouse kick to the wolf's ribs. He yelps and steps back, before biting into my arm.

I let out a pained cry, followed by a louder one when the remaining stitches rip out on my grisly smile.

"One question Nomazu... if you'll honour me... with an answer... do werewolf bites... from a non-alpha... transfer lycanthropy?" I pant, clutching my arm.

"No. Only Ruziki can do that." Nomazu growls.

Then the battle resumes. This time Nomazu tries to take us both out instead of one first. Guess he realized there's silver in both our blades... He launches at me again and I manage to drop back onto my hands in a move Jax taught me. The teenage werewolf goes to strike only for me to kick him over my head. Glitch slams the pommel of Falchion into his head before he can get up again. Nomazu – while unconscious – shifts into his human form.

Poor guy, his heart is in the right place... We drag him into a side street where he won't get hurt – for his sake and his little brother's. Then we head out again. As we move through the streets, we come across a variety of frozen people. I spot Rinamoura, our serpentine dragon friend going boa-constrictor on a group of winds – emaciated, long-limned creatures with insatiable packs (obviously created by Zalgo) – and keep moving.

Later we spot Ryuka, frozen in time on his back, kicking a wind. Defending him in front – cause he's sheltering Dolly Button Eyes (the baby of the Creed and my Sally) are Masky and Hoodie. They are frozen up to their knees in ice while the rest of there bodies are time-trapped. I guess that narrows down our targets.

I'm about to configure the 'target card' from Magic when we're attacked by Ruziki – the Alpha werewolf.

"Man... what's with all the mutts coming after us?" Glitch chuckles.

Then we attack. The battle goes relatively quick, I manage to hit him with the flat of my electrified knife and glitch cuts off a good chunk of his hair in warning. He backs down – having recognized the battlefield commander in Glitch – thus labelling him an alpha with command over even Ruziki. We don't injure him further than that. After all – he's protecting all the children of the lox.

As we continue through the city we get the next strike. I cuss. They got Luc. I can still see his demonic fire raging within the icy cage. That and I can hear him grumpily punching the inside of it. After a moment of silence, I place my hand against the ice.

"We'll get you out love... I promise"

[Yes Kumo, I said love. I though you already knew that Luc and I are dating. Now stop interrupting – I'm recording!] In the moment of semi-peace I configure the target card. It shoots into the air like a firework before portraying an image of Tik Tok Time and Frostbite on the stars. Where we need to go is provided when two dragons slam into the side of the biggest skyscraper in the city.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2017 ⏰

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