First Kiss

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I never thought that I would end up falling in love with a stranger but that's basically what happened...

I walked down stairs to get some cereal when my dad's car pulled up in the driveway. He must've gotten off work early because he normally comes home around 8:00 pm and it was still only 6:00 pm.

"You got home early, did you do something to make the company happy?" I ask him once he gets in.

"Good news, you're going to stay with your aunt in Korea for the summer!" He says ignoring my question.

I remember going to my aunt's house when I was little but I didn't like it very much. She lived in an old, stuffy apartment  that had a pool that was more of a marsh.

"Do I have to?" I reply as if it's the end of the world.

"Yes, is there a problem, would you rather stay here and clean the pool?"

I hated cleaning the pool but at least we actually had a clean one and not one that had green water.

"Fine, but I haven't spoken in Korean in like forever." Since we lived in America of course there wasn't really anybody that spoke Korean for me to practice and I haven't been to Korea since I was ten and I'm seventeen now.

"That's why your aunt arranged her neighbor's son to come and help you, he just moved there from America a few months ago and is about your age, he'll be tutoring you after school every day for one month."

"Ok, but are you going to be okay here alone?"I say.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine. Oh, he will also be picking you up at the airport as well."My dad says.

"Why, he doesn't even know me."I reply.

"Your aunt was going to be busy with work and nobody else you know lives in Korea so you should be very grateful."

"Okay, fine."

Sorry guys, this book is going to have really short chapters because I am a very bad writer. Thanks for reading!  ._.🙂

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