Time to scavenge

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One day, all the peculiars had their diaries attached to their chests, giving all others an evil glare. They all felt overprotective of their possession and felt as though everyone else wanted to read it. It had been a week since Miss P had given them all out, and now no one socialized with anyone. They just sat there eying other people and their diaries, wishing to read them.

Finally, one person stood up to achieve his dream of reading others privet pieces. Millard. First, he slowly snook into Enoch's cellar and grabbed his book. He slowly copied every single page into a black black art book. He put it back in the same place in the same day. Next he did Olive. Then Bronwyn. Then Emma. Then Horace. Then Claire. Then Hugh. Then Fiona. He sat down at his desk happily flicking through the others diaries.

Most of Enoch's and Horace's were about each other, as were Claire and Olives, and Fiona's and Hugh's. But Bronwyns were different. A lot of her entries were about her love for him. Millard couldn't help but think of a certain tomboy who looked after two little girls for the rest of the day.

Millard did his best to keep this entry thing a secret, and did it every week. Until he was, finally, caught. And it was Enoch who caught him. "Millard! What are you doing in here?!" He yelled, slotting Millard's floating cap making its way to the desk Enoch's diary sat on. Millard blushed. "Your trying to steak my diary, aren't you?!" "Wha... No... I was just-" "Save it, Nullings. I'm done in here with you." And with that, he picked up his diary and stomped up to Millard's room, hoping to find some dirt to spread on him. That when he saw it. Four weeks of each peculiar child's entries in one big document on his duvet cover. Enoch's eye flared with anger as he yelled:"MISS PEREGRINE!" When she didn't come, the other peculiars did, and also saw what he saw. They all turned angrily to the brown floating barre amidst them. "Get 'im," Claire snarled. Nobody moved. "I SAID GET HIM!" She yelled even louder. The all charged at poor Millard. He ran helplessly around the house with nine other peculiars trailing after him horrendously.

"MISS PEREGRINE!" He yelled as loudly as he could. All of a sudden, Miss Peregrine appeared in the doorway in front if him. "Millard, polite persons do not shout." She said in her strict but yet motherly voice. "Sorry Miss Peregrine, but I've made the others hate me now." "But what in Earth could have triggered them into hating you?" "I soughta made all their diaries into a book..." "Good." "Huh?" "We have a new peculiar joining us soon who will be able to help solve our problems. And this will be good." "Cool, who are they?" "Reese Jones; her peculiarity is to be able to erase or add to ones memories. But she is also good in negotiations." "Ohh..." Millard began to think that she would make a good friend.

Meanwhile, the others were off to their sperate rooms, privetly plotting ways to get back at Millard.

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