Maria P.O.V chapter 1

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6:00am first day of school


I tossed my alarm all the way across the room 

"Why the fuck were alarms invented" I say under my breath not startling my roommate I think her name was Angelica 

Well I'm up I guess I should get ready but I can skip my first guess not...time to get ready 

I find an appropriate outfit for the first day 

Red converse 

Short black shorts 

Tight red shirt that shows off a bit of my breasts but why the fuck not 

And a gold necklace with my named engraved on it 


I start to wal out of dorm when I realize that my first class is a t 6:35...on the other side of the school.

"SHIT"I murmur under my breath 

I sart to runt to try to Make my first class but I stoped when a girl as yellow as the sun runs in to me 

"Owww...shit"I say

"Oh my god I'm soo sorry I wasn't paying attention, My name is Peggy" The girl says 

"Nice to meet you,Peggy, I'm Maria but it's spelt like Maria" I say as I loo at the girls shirt 

"I like your shirt it's hot" I say automatically regretting it 

My dad said I hav to be straight...get it out of your head.........that girl was adorable. I check my watch and realize it is 6:37 

I run all the way to law 

"Alex, John, Herc and Laff with me in one class all next to each other but Thomas is next to us" I say getting depressed at the end 

"You unfortunately but hey we are all together and also Maria your late" Alex says 

"I now I ran in to this really cute girl and called her shirt hot and her eyes were a beautiful shade of brown and I'm getting off topic" I say as I sit down 

"Well I guess what your daddy says can't change being gay honey" John says 

"1) don't call my dad daddy it's creepy and it's not like my dad going to hunt me down"I say 

"Oh don't worry and do you know this girls name" Alex says and than cut off by john finishing his sentence 

"Oh babe you finish my puzzle" Alex says looking at john and than leaning in to John and makeout for a hot 30 seconds or so

"Get a room guys" I say 

"Ok how does yours work"Alex says with a finger snap reference to Miranda 

"Please no my room is already filled with Angelica making out with every guy and girl she looks at" I say rolling my eyes 

"So when are you going to ask out this girl" John asks 

"When or if I see her again just to see her eyes would be enough for me" I say blushing 

"I will have to find this girl for you but there are thousands of girls on this campus so give me a name and what the looks like" Herc says 

"Her name was Peggy and she looked like me except wearing a lot of yellow, much more preppy and her hair is a lot longer than me" I say to Herc 

"Thanks"Herc says 

I don't even pay attention to the class I was just thinking about the girl she was like the sun bright an happy

The Girl In The Red Converse {Peria} [Hamilton]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant