~Misspelled // Kim Taehyung~

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Word Count: 514

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Word Count: 514

Genre: Fluff, Oneshot

Author's Note: Thank you for reading! I'm planning to do a part 2 on this one, based on the book of poems that you and Tae both read. <3

You'd been working at this coffee shop for who knows how long. Usually, you ignored the costumers who came in, except for the occasional middle-aged woman who complained about the milk in her latte not being "frothy enough." However one day a particular man caught your eye. He had bright red hair, the only color on his entire body as he was wearing completely black.

He ordered an espresso with a small amount of cream and sugar, after this he went directly back to his table and pulled out a book.

"Taehyung!" You called the name on the ticket out after some time of making other drinks. The boy with the red hair put down his book to come get his coffee. He quietly took the coffee from the counter and retreated back into his corner booth.

You noticed he came in quite frequently, each time he smiled at you but didn't engage in conversation and read his book until he left a few hours lately.

After all this time watching him from afar, watching his bright red hair fade into a lighter shade. You really wanted to get to know him,

You misspelled his name on his coffee cup. Not just once but every single time he came in.

"Taehyung!" You called out for what must have been the hundredth time this week.

Once again he came up to get his coffee, looking at the cup before reaching over the counter and tapping you on the shoulder.

"Excuse me miss?" His deep voice rang in your ears, it was the first time you ever heard it.

"Yes?" You turned around quickly, looking him straight in the eyes. He chuckled before speaking again.

"You've spelled my name horribly wrong over the course of these last few days."


"First it was Taehung then taehang, then teahyang and today it's just teay."

You giggled as you realized you'd won the game he had no idea he was playing.

"You see...uh" You blushed, the embarrassment of attempting to get his attention in this way. "I thought I could get your attention by misspelling your name so you'd confront me about it because you are reading my favorite book." You blurted out.

He laughed loudly and smiled a large, boxy smile.
"Well, I admire your determination. As for the book-" He ran back to his table, writing something in the book before running back to the counter.

"Here take this." He said, handing you the well-worn copy.

"Oh no, I have a copy already." You waved your hands in front of you as he laid the book on the counter.

"Just take it okay? I'll see you again tomorrow." He walked back to his usual booth and sat down, giving you another wide smile before picking up his bag and phone, walking out the door.

You looked inside the front cover of the book to see what was written.

You know you're really cute- Call me 766-901-1974

P.S. Please give me this book back on our date, it's my favorite too.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2017 ⏰

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