twenty eight

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We spent the next hour or so on the beach. It was too cold to swim, and it began to rain slightly, but that didn't bother me.

Hair soaking wet and clothes clinging to my body, I raised my arms to the sky and spun around and around. It felt so freeing, and I was happy for the first time in a long time, so why the hell not dance in the rain. Levi was watching me, chuckling, so I ran over and attempted to tackle him. Of course, I didn't really make a dent, only causing him to stumble slightly and laugh in surprise.

"You really want to challenge me?" He said in an amused, confident voice. I laughed, screaming slightly and took a few steps back.

"Catch me if you can," I teased, turning around and running. Seconds later, I almost smashed into his chest.


He smirked, shrugging. Of course, I so would challenge someone with superhuman speed to catch me.

"No no no, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it," I squealed, running backwards as he strode towards me.

The next thing I knew, I was in the air, then looking at the world upside down. Well, my entire view was basically his butt, but I wasn't complaining.

I squirmed, but he held me over his shoulder tightly. "I admire your efforts," he laughed, "but you're coming with me."

I laughed, hitting his back half heartedly and resigning myself to the fact that he was a lot stronger and faster than me. Damn boy.

He deposited me in the passenger seat, and handed me a towel from the boot.

"I'm getting the leather seats all wet," I said as he got in the driver's side. I was soaking wet, and my jeans were not only uncomfortable, but probably ruining the interior of his car.

"I'll send you the bill," he smirked, turning the car on and blasting the heater. I hadn't realised how cold I was until the hot air hit me.

I watched him as he drove, while attempting to dry myself with the towel. "So how fast are you?"

"Pretty fast. Faster as a wolf," he shot me a sidelong glance, gauging my reaction to that mystical word. I frowned a little.

"What else can you do?"

He thought about it for a moment. "Well, there's a mind link of sorts between the pack."

"Wow that must be loud," I exclaimed, thinking of what it would be like to have 400 voices in my head.

"You can turn it off, shut it out I guess. Tune into certain people and places. I'm the only one really who can override it. It helps lead the pack, if we can work as a cohesive unit."

Suddenly, a thought struck me. "Wait. Do I have to... do I become, is there a way... I don't..." I stuttered, unable to even form the question.

"Do you have to become one of us?" Levi finished for me. I nodded, looking away.

"No. God, no. I don't even know if you can do that. I've heard stories, but no - way too dangerous. No way. I wouldn't ask that of you." His voice went hard, and a shadow washed over his face.

I exhaled, relieved. Now that, that would have been too much. Too much too soon.

We drove in silence for the rest of the way. I could tell Levi was wrapped up in his mind, and I didn't want to push him. When we pulled into a carpark at a small town, next to the one we lived in, he finally looked at me.

"This isn't the most exciting date, I'm sorry. It was quite last minute," he smiled at me, but it didn't quite reach his eyes.

I shook my head. "I don't need exciting. I'm enjoying myself."

We got out of the car, and he took my hand, leading me into the small restaurant. Despite all the time I'd spent with him, my heart still practically stopped when he touched me.

It was warm and cosy inside, and I was painfully aware that I was still in damp clothes with dripping hair. "Uh Levi? I don't think I'm really dressed appropriately for a restaurant..." I trailed, gesturing to my wet clothes.

He was also in soaking clothes, a problem that didn't seem to bother him. I, however, was beginning to feel the cold. "Estelle always keeps a change of clothes in my car, just in case," he rolled his eyes and smirked. "I'll go grab them."

I watched him leave, and turned to look at the restaurant. It was obviously a nice place, but it didn't have that intimidating vibe to it, instead feeling like a place where a lot of good memories were made.

"Are you wanting a table, miss?" A young waitress smiled at me, holding a bunch of menus.

"Oh, um, yes I think so," I replied, like an idiot. She brushed a strand of blonde hair off her face, and put down the menus, checking the computer.

"Do you have a reservation?"

"Maybe? I'm sorry, I'm here with someone, he's coming back." I looked out the glass doors, willing Levi to hurry.

The waitress gave me a funny look, like she was trying to figure something out. "Do I know you from somewhere?"

I smiled nervously. "I don't think so..." She shook her head, looking confused.

"Here, these were all there was sorry," Levi appeared at my side, holding a pair of shorts and a baggy jumper.

"Alp- uh. Sir, um, Levi?" The waitress stuttered, eyes wide like she'd made a huge mistake. She looked terrified, glancing between us in shock.

"It's okay, Jessica, this is Danielle, she knows now." Levi smiled at the poor girl, who looked like she was going to pass out.

"The Danielle?" She gasped. "I thought..."

I looked at Levi, confused. "What's going on?"

He cleared his throat, looking slightly guilty. "Uh, well Jessica is from my pack. I sort of had an order that should anyone run into you, they weren't to say anything. Or act differently."

I frowned, the frustration from before rising a little. I took a breath, remembering that we'd discussed all this, and I wasn't angry anymore.

"Well it's nice to meet you, Jessica," I smiled at her, and she visibly relaxed.

"Oh, you too! We're all so excited he found you!" She grinned widely, picking up two menus. "Please, let me take you to our best table."

We followed her to a table in an alcove, with big glass windows looking out over the valley.

"So I understand why you wanted everyone to keep it a secret, but I don't get why she was so happy to see me... Are you two friends?" I asked once she'd finished fussing over us.

Levi contemplated what he was going to say for a second, and took a breath. "A pack with an alpha is strong, but it's never complete until there is a luna. Everyone is really looking forward to things becoming right, like they were when my parents led them."

Talk about pressure. "I don't understand how I can do anything, though. I'm only human."

"It doesn't matter, you wouldn't be my mate if it did matter."

I thought about it for a moment, not knowing how to respond to that. "I'm going to get changed."

Once in the bathroom, I splashed my face with water and had to take a few calming breaths. Focus on the boy, don't worry about the rest of it. That was what I needed to do. Yes, the boy came with an incredible amount of baggage (like 400 people worth of it), and yes it put me in a position to somehow take that on too, but that wasn't what was important right now.

There was a good man sitting out there, who obviously cared for me, and dare I say needed me.

If I was going to give this a shot, I couldn't panic every time someone mentioned anything about the world he came from. I wanted to give this a shot, I needed to. So taking one last deep breath, I promised myself to focus on what was really important here. Levi. 

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