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Around 8 pm, everyone sits in the living room. Jay and Sam sit on one couch, while Jacob, and I sit on the other, Simon laying down next to me.

Breaking the silence, Sam says, "Alright guys, I'm sorry, but you can't stay here forever. One source of income can only support so much."

My heart stops.

"My tree's better anyway," Jay says. "And I've got a stone to go find."

"Aw, but it's nice here," Jacob whines.

I don't say anything, the thought of Lavender freezing me.

Sam looks at me. "Are you gonna make a comment?"

It's been months, Lavender will be furious.

"Guess not, ok."

"Wait!" I say quickly.


"I...I lied about Lavender. She never stopped abusing me, please, don't make me go back there. I've been gone for too long, she'll kill me."

"You could go look for some random rock," Jay says quietly.

"What is it with you and this stone?" Sam and I ask.

"Some kid at school knows Nico and threatened to tell Nico's brother, Pico, about where we were. Might as well get two things out of the way at once. Find the stone, and reduce the risk of getting kidnapped."

"And you didn't bother telling us about this kid?" Jacob says. "Ok, thanks. Appreciate it."

He shrugs.

"What stone?" Sam asks.

"The stone to the portal."

"What portal?"

"The portal that all this started from."

"Don't get too descriptive, Jay. We certainly don't want that," Jacob says.

"So...If you find the stone, all the magic disappears?"

He shrugs. "I have no clue, but it's better than sitting here while this spreads outside of this tiny village."

"You think it'll spread?"

"It's only a matter of time."

"Is nobody going to comment on the fact that my sister is abusive?" I ask

"Do you really want us to?" Sam says. "Do you really want us to give you pity?"

"Good point."

They continue talking about the stone and the powers until finally, I've had enough.

"Guys, Insane Teacher talked about this. It's in a portal in a mountain."

"Oh yeah," Sam and Jacob say in unison.

"Who's Insane Teacher?" Jay asks.

"You don't know the Insane teacher?" We all say.


"You know, why is that? You're never in any of our classes, what's with that?" Jacob asks.

Jay looks down, a blush rising to his face. "I can't read."

I gasp. "You're kidding, right? How can you not know how to read? That's taught in like...Second gr—Oh...So, that's why I never see you reading books!"

"He's so cute," Jacob whispers to me, but loud enough for everyone to hear.

"Which one?" I whisper back.

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