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Lucas POV

I feel bad for all the things I did to her she is my crush and I am going to apologize and break up with Roxy for Jada but if Jada don't want to be with me that's cool so I am bout to text her brother jerameih

Phone convo

Lil brother-jerameih
Big brother-lucas

Big brother- so what you have to tell me

Lil brother-oh yeah I have to tell you two things one bad one good so which one you want first

Big brother-bad

Lil brother -OK so the bad news is that Roxy had a boyfriend before she got with you and she's only useing you so u can humiliat Jada

Big brother- what a minute Roxy  had a boy friend before me and they still together and how can she humiliat Jada by going with me?

Lil brother -yes and Roxy don't like Jada and she knows Jada  likes u  and  and the good news is that Jada does like you she said she doesn't care e what you do to her she still love you.

Big bother- OK  I am on my way.

Lil brother -ahgit and bring me some snacked and a big bucket of ice  cream see you when you get hear
Big brother-aghit and nigga you so fat bruh😁😁😆

Lil brother -I know and Jada said that she love this video of you

Big brother-ohh Bea a fan but alright com open the the door I am out side.

End of convo

So I am nervous by anyway I knocked on the door and jerameih opens the door and yelled up stairs talking bout Jada somebody hear for you and she came down stairs with the twins and the twins said ohh its that cute boy you be talking bout then she said aye bequit then they said sorry we can't  help it then i started rolling i said I already knew but I  am sorry for every thing I did to you but would you except my apologies and be my girl then she said omg duhh and I hugged her then gave her a kiss then the twins said we then I said alright y'all I bout go and then I went home and went to sleep

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