Na Na Na(Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na)

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The night was oddly colder than usual so the nine of them built up a fire in front of Dr. D's diner. They made good conversation, but Glitter Grenade pulled her knees into her chest, hoping no one would give attention to her. After a while, the conversation grew slow and no one had anything left to say.

"Well, I think I'm gonna go hit the hay."Cherri said standing up and began walking to the diner.

"That's not a bad idea."Dr. D agreed and wheeled up to Cherri who was by the doors.

Party Poison, Jet-Star and Fun Ghoul followed them inside and left just Glitter Grenade and Kobra Kid. Fire cracking filled the silence until he cleared his throat."So, what was she like?"


"Your sister. What was she like?"

"Well... I guess she was a pretty normal sister. Or as normal as you can get in Battery City, but she was really caring. She took care of me and I went with her everywhere. Except for her last one. She refused to let me go with her. I think somehow she knew that was going to be her last when she left with Val. I don't know what his plan was, but... Vixen was the only one to get ghosted on that mission, it's... it's just fishy, you know? And now I hate him."

"I don't blame you. I would hate someone too if they got my brother killed. I can't even imagine it." There was a little more silence.

Kobra was fidgeting with his hands trying to think of something to say."Tell me about you now."

"Me? Why?"

"Why not. Let's get to know each other a little more."

"Alright, what do you want to know?"

"I don't know. Umm, what's your favorite color?"

"My favorite color? That's the best you could come up with?"

"What? It's an important piece of information if we are to be friends."

"Whatever. Red."

"Favorite band. Pre-apocalypse or post. Whichever."

"Uh, Panic! at the Disco, Fall Out Boy, My Chemical Romance, and Missile Kid and Mad Gear."

"All good bands. Favorite songs by them?"

"Ugh, that's a hard one. You know I could never pick one favorite song, If you want I could give you a long list."

"Okay, then. Pick like a top three for each band."

"From Panic! it's: Far too Young to Die, Girls/Girls/Boys, Hurricane. Fall Out Boy: Young and Menace, I Don't Care, and Dance, Dance. And MCR: House of Wolves., Teenagers, and I'm Not Okay"

"Okay.This will make or break our friendship?"

"Bring it."

"Comic books."

"Deadpool, Red Hood and the Outlaws, Spider-Man. I could go on."

"Ugh, where were you all my life?"

"Riding through the skies on my unicorn."

"Amazing. Well I'm gonna head to bed. I want to get an early start tomorrow."

"Yeah I'll be there in a bit. I'm just gonna stay out here a little bit longer."

"Okay, but are you sure you're okay?"

"Well if you wanted honesty, I'm not o-fucking-kay."She kind of said it jokingly, but she really wasn't.

Being this far from Battery City, you could clearly see the night sky. All the stars glowed brightly and you could make out the Milky Way Galaxy. Glitter remembered back when Viven and her would lay out on the roof of whatever house they were crashing at and just stare at the night sky for hours till she had to carry her to bed. Glitter let out a breath and lifted herself up and walked to the door.


When the morning came, Glitter woke up to loud banging in the kitchen. her room was the first right next to it, so when she walked out, the boys went silent and stared at her like she was some kind of ghost."Oh shit sorry did we wake you up?"Ghoul asked.

"No, it's fine." She lied." What time is it anyway?"

"Quarter after nine." Party replied."Sorry, we were arguing over certain fashion decisions."

"I didn't realize that was something guys fought over. Especially guys like you." They all looked confused and a little offended."No, I mean like muscular, intimidating, badass guys."

When their excuses failed, Kobra spoke up in defeat."We were trying to figure out what look you should have, but only because we were wondering if you would like to tag along with us for a little while, and if so, you would need a better outfit."

"What's wrong with what I've got?"

"What! Oh, nothing! Just, it doesn't really look like a lot. I mean, you're just in a t-shirt and jeans."

"Alright. I guess we can go out and look." They cheered in excitement as the five of them marched to the car but it quickly turned sour once again as they fought over colors and jackets.


"You look good." Kobra said as Glitter walked out to the Trans A.M. where everyone was waiting to see her transformation.

She still wore her blue jeans, only now with glitter stained onto patches of it, a skin tight, black shirt, a red jacket. On the back in silver was"alone, rejected, confused, lost, anxious, wrong, wronged, unclean, angry, ashamed, curious, used. And the other: brutal, beautiful, miserable, X-Rated, harlequin, innocent, scandalous, selfish, pathetic, childish, watercooler". Glitter had re-dyed her once purple hair to one half her natural blond, and the other half red. In her hand was her sister's old mask, still stained with her blood.

"Alright let's roll."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2020 ⏰

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