Chapater 4: About last night

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*Jocelyn pov *

Last night was the best night in my life never in my life would I had the confidence to do what I did last night. I made the first move usually I never go to the club to pull I always went as sober friend. I never had any lads approach me before but Jack Maynard that was his name that will change my life.

"Oh look sleeping beauty is up from her slumber what fairytale dreams were having & does it involve a lad named jack Maynard?" Lexi smirked as she already knows the answer to that question. "I known him for 25 minutes and already he has invaded my thoughts with his beauty." I sighed I never caught feelings for someone so fast then jack came in the picture and changed that.

"Wow I never seen so flushed with emotions Jocelyn did you even know what type person he is, like did he say what does he do for a living?" Lexi questioned she was right i hardly knew him so why was falling hard.

Then I remembered something important "wait he told me he has a YouTube channel as well how could I forget." I got up to my desk were my laptop was charging opening up YouTube well Lexi sat behind me wanting to find him as well.

There he is mr jack Maynard the boy who currently flooding my thoughts. I grabbed my laptop and began watching the first video I saw. Lexi couldn't stick around she had a meeting to go to but since I had nothing better to do I stayed glued to my laptop watching videos. All morning I was watching his video everything was great till I saw a thumbnail for a video with a familiar person.

I clicked on jacks video titled " Real would you rather ft Thatcherjoe". The boy I liked made a video with my brother that he doesn't that know that joe is my brother & joe doesn't know I have a YouTube channel. I started to freak out then I just realized maybe it's just a one collaboration nothing else right? Wrong !

I never subscribed or watched to either joe or Zoe channels after I left the sugg life behind. I couldn't really handle watching them be happy knowing that I could be there with them as a family. As I clicked on joe's channel I scrolled down his videos hoping I wouldn't see a thumbnail with jack in it but boy was I wrong. I saw tons of videos thumbnails with jack in with others lads I clicked on the latest video "THE HOT SEAT CHALLENGE " no doubt in my mind that jack was one of joes best mate.

I was pacing back in forth in my flat thinking about the whole jack & Joe being best mates thing when Lexi came home. "Jocelyn are you okay it looks like you seen a ghost?" she said while looking at me being all worried.

"Jack & joe ate best mates Lexi what am I going to do what if joe finds out no worse what if jack finds out will treat me differently like all my exs" I panicked not knowing what to do In this situation. "Hey look at me it's going to be okay I mean he hasn't contacted you maybe he's not interested" Lexi said trying to cheer me up but that failed cause apart of me wanted jack to call or text me. "Beside Jocelyn maybe it's was the 5th shot of vodka that made you think you like him."

Maybe Lexi was right maybe it was the alcohol that maybe believe that that I like jack, heck maybe I'm overreacting for nothing he hasn't texted or called me. If I'm lucky then the whole jack situation will go away and my secret will be safe. "Yeah maybe I'm just hungover & overreacting maybe he won't call..." I paused when my phone started ringing my heart was beating so fast. Apart of me wanted it to be jack calling but another part of me wish it wasn't I'm so conflicted on what I want.

I went over to counter top to grab my phone and see who was calling me. My heart was going at 100mph I was so nervous when I looked I took a sigh of relief when I saw it was a missed call from my mum. Lexi noticed the look of relief I had " I'm guessing it's not jack did you wanted to be jack I mean I could see it in your eyes that you wanted it be" Lexi questioned that's the thing about Lexi she can read me like a book I couldn't ask for better best friend

"As I was saying maybe he doesn't really care and that's a good thing it means I can stop worrying about my secret..." i paused again cause my phone was ringing damn usually mum knows when I don't answer the first time it means I'm busy. "Answer you mum Jocelyn she might have news to tell you" I looked a Lexi and I grabbed my phone & Slided my finger to answer it without looking at the caller ID.

"Hello mum is everything alright usually you don't call back if it's important family stuff" I said waiting to hear my mums voice but nothing that's weird. I was going to speak again but I was surprised to hear a males voice that sounded oddly familiar "It's not your mum it's actually jack you know jack Maynard from the club last night but anyway I was actually calling cause Im wondering if you are free Friday night you know as a date?" As soon as jack Maynard said those words I froze I couldn't believe my ears.

The guy who I might like who is also my brothers best mate which he doesn't know cause it's a secret that I have been keeping for 3 years just asked me out on a date what was going on in my world right now.

A:N I'm sorry I have been on a hiatus recently as I was going through stuff like college, finals and family stuff but I have returned. I don't know when I planned to update but once I figure it I will let you know. Also I'm playing to add 2 more love interest for Jocelyn I give a hint for one of them ( he is a member of the sidemen 🤔)

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