Chapter 14

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It's only been about a few days since Marco had gotten kidnapped by Bill, and Star wasn't getting any better. Everywhere she looked around in the house or outside it reminded her of him.

From his room in the hallway to the streets outside the house, it reminded her of him. Everyone can see it, even as early as a few days.

"This isn't healthy for her. I mean a single song can set her off to tears." I silently said from the kitchen with Pacifica, Wendy, Dipper, Pony Head, Janna and Jackie (Star introduced them two days after they arrived).

"To be fair, that song is the one that Marco and Star considered as their song, way before they started dating." Janna replied.

"That's why she was upset over a song on the radio yesterday." I realized.

"I think that I understand why Star is so upset over Marco I mean, I can't imagine living my days without Dipper." Pacifica said, holding Dipper's hand tightly.

They had started a slight relationship after the Blood Moon Ball and they are the second cutest couple so far.

"Me too Pacifica." Dipper replied, giving her a peck on the cheek.

"Ew, guys. Get a room!" I reply with a slight smile.

"We need to give Star a slight distraction from Marco, for even just a little while." Wendy announced.

"Yeah but what?" Jackie asked.

"Slumber parties and bad kids parties are out." Pony Head replied.

"So is going to her favorite band's concert." Jackie added.

"Maybe we should buy tubs of ice cream and eat it with her while watching Sherlock or the download of Hamilton, that I downloaded this morning." Dipper suggested.

"You know Bro-Bro, that isn't a bad idea!" I exclaimed. "Pony Head, Janna, Pacifica and Dipper, get Star to agree to this. I don't care how you do it, JUST DO IT!!!"

Mabel then pointed to Wendy and Jackie."The rest of you'll go with me buy a ton of ice cream. LET'S DO THIS!!!"

30 tubs of ice cream, a pulling and forcing of Star to get out of her room and a setting up of the dvd player to watch the Sherlock series and the Hamilton show later, we're finally ready to help Star feel better.

"Guys, I'm feeling fine. You guys didn't have to go through all this trouble." Star protested.

"No, for once Star just let us help you." I said.

"Like how you helped us." Dipper added.

After a few awkward minutes of silence... "Alright fine. You guys win." Star said.

"YAY! Come on the first episode is coming on." I said pulling her to the sofa in front of the t.v.

A few hours later...

"How in the world does he do that?! I mean he can solve a mysterious murder case just by analysing the scene of the crime. It's just awesome." Star exclaimed.

"Looks like your enjoying this Star." I said before eating some more of my cookies and cream ice cream.

Another few hours later...

"How dare you cheat on Eliza, Hammy! She loves you and you already have kids with her! Why???!!!" Star exclaimed.

"I know right. He should be with Eliza not Maria." Jackie ageed.

"Totally." Janna added.

After watching Sherlock and Hamilton, we all decided to cook up some easy cook pasta and just spend the entire afternoon talking and having fun.

Later that night...

"And then Dipper here, realized he didn't need to make a lot of copies of him to impress his crushes." I finished.

"Ugh... now I'm officially embarrassed for life." Dipper exclaimed, burying his face into a pillow to avoid anyone seeing his bright red face.

"Mabel's right though, I mean you should just be you." Pacifica said.

"Alright, alright. I get it. Now can we sleep?" Dipper asked.

"Yeah we can." I replied getting up to turn the ligts off.

"Goodnight everyone! Thanks for helpig me." Star yawned.

"No problem. Goodnight Star." I replied.

Everyone greeted each other "Goodnight." And went to sleep. I could only hope that Star will be better and hope that Marco's fine.

Another early post. Yeah, I know. But school will start in a month or so, so might as well update while I still can.

See you guys inthe next one.

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