"We're here!"

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Shouted Ludicolo from the front of the bus, interrupting Squirtle and Pikachu's conversation about catching up. They all dawdled off the bus, waving goodbye to the driver. "Later, dudes! 'Might see ya on the holidays!"
It was one day until the classes started, so there was time for presents once they got to their cabin. Pikachu and Pachirisu split paths, and on the way, Bulbasaur was way too excited. He was jumping around, and he couldn't wait to give the yellow mouse his birthday gift.
Once they did reach their dorm, Pikachu sat on the couch and all the others ran to the attic. After they excitedly came back down, Bulbasaur handed his present. It was a big box, full of EVERYTHING! It had revives, max potions, and much more! "Hey, thanks, buddy!" At the bottom of it all was a huge pack of chocolates. He smiled.
The next gift was from Squirtle, who gave a pack of books, (One of Pikachu's favourite series, Lord of the Ralts,) and from Charmander... A retro Gameguy! (With super Magmar bros. land, Kirkila's dreamland and The legend of Zapdos port.) from Charmander, he got  seeds for a pecha, oran, and Tamato berry tree, and a phone case with a lightning bolt zapping through the middle. Sylveon's present was a new jumper, and it was awesome. It had another bolt of lightning sewn on the top corner, coated in the colours yellow, blue and black. An extra gift was a poke walker that had many games and a excursive tracker. Its primary function was to tell the time. "Thanks so much!" He was about to slip it onto his hand when it rolled onto the floor and out the door, that was opened ajar. "Whoops!" The four Pokemon waddled after it, hands pointing to the ground trying to catch it. The watch stopped eventually, at their new principle's feet. "Going anywhere?" Asked the huge Dragonite. "Uh... No sir-that's just a birthday present." Principle Dragonite picked it up and handed it to Pikachu. "Speaking of gifts, do you have this semester's timetable?" The intimidated group of monsters shook their heads. "Vice principle Ditto will have some extras, he's writing out paperwork in his office." Squirrel nodded, then asked where that was, but Dragonite had already briskly flown away. The friends were all confused, but Bulbasaur guessed that his office must be located in the main hall.


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                              ( "Awww... Ya shouldn't have... )


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2017 ⏰

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