Avery The Softball Bully

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Avery M. is the one of the many things in life I dream had never happened. Every thing you see of her hands out the impression of a snobby, highly raised teenage girl that has no sense in kindliness towards her fellow mankind. With her long blonde hair, beady blue eyes, and rich wardrobe, she's the exact description of a stereotypical popular kid. She is always smiling, but not out of sweetness, no- it's always a smirk that reminds you of the Joker. You shiver when she passes by and glances at you with a disgustingly mocking look in her eyes, or you hide behind whatever you may, and pray she doesn't notice you. I always thought I had been invisible, but it seems like every back road I take to disappear from society, the bullies just happen to be strolling through the exact same hell street. Though, I will admit, I'm not your usual push-over. If you start bullying one of my close friends, you are in for it, or if you are despising me because of my beliefs, you'd probably get a verbal beating. Yet, alas, Avery is just intimidating enough to make someone like myself, crawl back into my shell, never to be seen again. Avery is like a sun to those who somehow climb higher up the social ladder without even trying. She's the Heather Chandler in my life, and I'm afraid it will always be this way. But while she may be Heather Chandler, I am Veronica Sawyer, and that means I can take her down, right? No, I doubt it. I doubt anyone could drag her off of the throne she so proudly sits upon. I have never understood why she became like this, and I do not believe I ever will. My biggest fear, though, is that others will have to deal with the quickly raging hurricane known as Avery. While I know many have, she just keeps coming back and back, again and again. You know if you are on Jason's team, you are going to have to deal with his daughter. That's one of the reasons I was so glad to be on a different team. They were all overly nice, and yes, somewhat teasing and taunting- but it was in a friendly gesture. Unlike Avery, where she would push you and start spitting unhealthy assumptions and opinions at you're trembling body, these girls.. they were different. They'd come up to you and play with your hair and say "You have some really messy hair today," or they may rest an arm on the top of your head and inquire with a happy "Am I just wearing heels, or are you just super short?" Like a sibling may do. And to be quite honest, it never really, truly bothered me. Compared to Avery, I would take this taunting a million times a day. This team actually made me feel loved, but I realize that once the softball season is over, your softball friends are over. They honestly have 0-5% commitment over the summer, and will call you once or twice. Which lead me to discover that the friendship is basically over, and it definitely isn't being revived. So, now I'm just a lonely little girl again, and I don't have a clue if this year will have a happy ending or not. I've made different predictions of how the summer will go. And none of them suggest a happy summer. I've never had a happy summer. Hell, I barely even know what a decent summer is. It's just that large time frame of the year that kids flood into the library and it's 100 degrees outside. I'm guessing my guesses of a summer differ from most children, correct? Though, as long as I have my books, few friends, and coffee, it may just go somewhat splendidly. But, honestly, I just want this year to end.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2017 ⏰

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