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They all surrounded her

Laughing at the way she whimpered

They push her down once more

This time she shivers

Tears are streaming down

Their laughter rings in her ears

Within she is breaking down

They are her bullies here

She is walking down the hallway

Whispers are surrounding her

This is just another day

Another prank against her they would stir

She is helpless inside,

Why don't they see?

There's no more life in her eyes oh so naive...

She is breaking down again

As paper balls hit her

She is breaking down there

When they pushed her in the locker

They tripped her and laughed

They hit her and laughed

Why don't they see?

It's killing her - this bullying!

She's turning into a rag doll

She is turning completely numb

She has wounds all over her

This feeling of helplessness,

In her throat made a lump

Its fun they say to see her cry

To escape from them

She always tries

It's a game to them

They look at her with amusement filled in their eyes

Why don't they see?

It's killing her - this bullying!

She takes a blade out

She cuts herself making deep wounds

There's no life in her eyes

As blood trickled down these wounds

For them it's just gossip

Why should they care?

For them she's just a victim,

Who to stand up against them would never Dare!

Why don't they see it still?

It has killed her - this bullying!

She hasn't arrived again

This happened twice in the same week

Their eyes search for their victim

Who is so weak that to them it's amusing?

They arrive at her home,

They know, nobody would be there

They reach up to her room to find her...

They find her...

For the first time they see her lifeless eyes

Her lifeless eyes staring far

Her wrist dripping blood

Pulls their squirming soul apart

Amused eyes turned dark

With fear, with guilt

Her eyes snapping into theirs

Makes them freeze, they stand there still

Now they see

It killed her - this bullying!

She fell on her bed

Hitching on her breath

They run to hold her

They have to save her

Now it's not amusing,

The way she whimpers

Now it's not amusing,

The way she shivers

They have realised

It almost completely killed her -This Bullying!

She's taken in the OPD

Her life had turned to hell, now they see

Their heart feels trapped, their chest's tight

Tears start filling their guilty eyes

It's not a joke, it kills

Now they realise

It's not a joke, not anymore - This Bullying!

They are allowed to meet the victim

She stares with weak eyes

Their soul feels the chill- like an ice

And her parents look at them with accusing eyes

It's because of them; they were breaking her from inside

Guilt is building up on their shoulder

So they go towards their victim, closer

She pulls back

She is scared

They held their head low as they say,

"We killed you from inside

We were so cold

We want to apologise

But it's of no use anymore"

She looked into their eyes

"I forgive you" she said

"Your mistake you realised,

My life you saved-

Stop this bullying, promise me

You'll never bully again just promise me"

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