Chapter 1

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Breath in, breath out. That's what I have been repeating in my head for the last five minutes as I try to not cough up a lung right in front of my mother. If I just concentrate on doing those simple things, I will eventually get control of my lungs back. It just suck worse when I look at my mom and she's barely broken a sweat. She looks every bit the fearsome warrior I've heard stories about through the royal warriors over the years. She looks unbreakable and if I can become half the warriors she is by enduring the torture she puts me through then it's worth it.

"We can take a break for awhile, I've pushed you pretty hard today" she smiles as she sits down beside me and throws her arms over her knees as her long black hair flows behind her softly in the breeze.

"I doubt this is going to be the hardest you push me but if it makes me a more capable fighter then keep pushing me" I give her half a smile knowing I need it but still knowing it's going to hurt like Hell.

"I wouldn't push you unless I thought you were capable sweetheart. At some point when those runes that sporadically appear and disappear decided to finally stick around your going to have a lot of power contained in your body. The stronger you are the easier it will be to control it" she says talking from her own experience.

"Do you think I will have them all ?" I ask for the first time. It's crossed my mind that I won't have all the mark like her.

"I don't know to be honest. My parent were both pure blood warriors and that's why I have all of them. You and your brother were born after I was changed and your father has pure vampire blood. You might get one or all of them. Right now it's a waiting game. But it doesn't matter how many you get. Either way you are a strong, powerful, warrior and I couldn't be more proud of you and Dante" She smiles beaming with pride.

"Even thought Dante didn't want you to train him" I joke and bump her shoulder. She scrunched up her face and pretends to look offended. It still amazes me how young she looks, she could pass for my older sister. Looks wise we are pretty similar with our raven black hair except I have dark purple highlights running through mine. I have my father's eyes deep blue eye that are framed with long back eyelashes that make my already large eyes look bigger. I have a petite straight nose which should be crooked by now with the amount of punches it has taken over the years. I'm the same height as her at six ft one with a strong toned body and I have been blessed with some curved despite my non stop training schedule. Dante on the other hand is an intimidating first sight. Like dad, he stands around six ft five and is packed with muscle. Not the bulky kind but the lean toned kind that has every female hear tripping over themselves to get his attention. His has our mothers light blue eye colour and like all men he has insanely long perfectly curled eyelashes. He's all strong cheekbones and hard jaw lines and always has dark stubble. His arms and chest are covered in ridiculously insane detailed tattoos that I have some serious envy over.

"Ah you know your brother. As hard as he looks unlike yourself he's a romantic. He isn't hardcore into his training like you and anyway Cole and I have a deal" she winks wickedly making me laugh. I've seen how rough Dante has looked coming back from his training sessions with Cole. He fairs a bit better than me but not by much.

"Okay, let's finish this round off before I seize up and you have to carry me back" I moan as I get to my feet knowing it's now or never. Mum jumps to her feet smoothly and I try not to roll my eyes.

After another hour of cardio, all I can think of is a shower and scalding hot water. Fuck, I think my legs are going to collapse before I make it to my apartment. My arms feel light dead weights so the possibility of dragging myself the rest of the way is slim and it's even slimmer than I will find Dante along the way and guilt him into carrying me back. So I slowly drag myself the rest of the way. Opening my door I can already hear the shower calling me.

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