Chapter 11

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Edit Note: I'm watching Hide n Seek with Preston so prepare for a Hide n Seek chapter. Nick and Red VS Preston MUAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA *coughs* I almost forgot I wasn't sick there, but I am.


Red yelled down the hall angry as Nick opened a closet to find nothing there.

"Where did that little brat go!" Red grumbled as Nick shot him a glare.

"Red, he's not a brat, he's just a child" Nick responded as Red rolled his eyes.

"He's 18 Nick!"

"Your 21 Red!"

Red groaned as Nick ran a hand threw his brunette hair and kept looking. Something buzzed in Nicks pocket as he took out his phone and read the text message.


Nick: First off, yes we are and Second still me Preston, where the hell are you?!?

Preston: I'm not gonna tell! It would ruin the game!

Nick: Preston this isn't a game and I suggest you turn yourself in right now.

Preston: Y

Nick: Because I'm right now looking for you with an angry cannibal killer by the name of Red

Preston: I'll take the risk

Nick huffed in annoyance and shoved his phone in his back jean pocket, Red huffed and trudged up the spiral stair case onto the second floor where he looked threw some crates. Nick walked over to the extra Kitchen and looked around.


"Where the hell could he be?!" Red mumbled annoyed as Nick shrugged.

"There's only one place he could be" Nick murmured as Red narrowed his eyes and grabbed his wrist harshly. Pulling him up the spiral stair case forcefully, Nick stumbled and pulled his wrist out of Reds iron grip.

"I can walk myself!" He stated rubbing his wrist as Red rolled his eyes and continued trudging up the stairs.

"Your too god forbidden slow Nick" Red spat as Nick narrowed his eyes. His phone buzzed.

Preston: Arguing with the Mr?

Nick: Shush you

Preston: I will not be shushed

Nick: You will and you have no power over that

Nick grumbled and shoved his phone in his pocket once again until the two reached the top. Red looked around.

"You have two seconds to surrender yourself peacefully, I know your behind there Preston" Red stated, Nick watched from the railing.

"Never!" Preston chimed giggling as Red counted down.


"And 2...."

"That's it I'm done"

Red jumped onto the crates and leaned over, Nick heard a yelp erupt from there as Red grabbed Preston by his neck and shoved him to the ground. He grunted and groaned.

"Ow.... That hurt man, not only in my back, but in my feelings!" Preston said dramatically as Nick rolled his eyes.

"Now now drama queen don't start" Nick warned as Red crossed his arms. Nick looked at Red and saw the angry look in his eyes as well as a look of annoyance, but the annoyance look wasn't for Preston, it was for him. Now a days they always seemed to argue. Nick shook his head. Clearing the thoughts that clouded his brain.

End of Days (SGCbarbarian x Redvacktor) [Restarting Soon]Where stories live. Discover now