The Perils of Navigating a High School

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Finally, the bus pulled in to the parking lot. Pisces gasped. Over 50 buses were lined up, and the parking lot was so immense it would take sixty of her large house to fill it.  OK, that may have been a slight exaggeration , but it was extremely large. The school itself was way, way bigger than her middle school. The bus pulled up next to the school and the doors opened. The children on the bus practically threw them self out and she got caught in the tide of kids. She had no idea where to go, so she just followed Virgo. Virgo entered a side door to the school and Pisces followed her a few minutes until they came to a door. Then, Virgo turned and, apparently just noticing Pisces, said "What are you doing here? This is the library! Your class is on the other side of the building!" Pisces groaned. "How do I get there?" "Turn left, you come to the cafeteria then go right past Ms. Mabiliana's class..."  "Who??" "Ms. Mabiliana, the health teacher.  Then, go up the left stairs two flights, and keep going until you reach the green lockers. Those are ours." Virgo said this all very fast. Just then a bell rang. "Oh! I have to go" and before Pisces could ask her anything else, she dissapeared into the library. Pisces tried to follow Virgo's instructions, but found herself horribly lost. She began looking for the cafeteria, but somehow ended up next to a gym. She sat down by the door in defeat. Just then, it opened and a boy walked out. He had messy black hair and dark blue eyes, and a kind smile. "Hello" he said to her. "Are you the new girl?" "Yes!" she said with relief. "I'm lost. I need to find Mr. Dendeon's class?" 

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