Chapter 2 - Present

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I toss and turn, seeking the sleep that has evaded me for months now. My arm slings across my face, blocking the light that streams through the castle window and shadowing my eyes in blissful relief. Twisting to the left, I shove my face between two pillows and feel my prickly beard scratch the smooth material. Six months after my coronation and still I unaccustomed to the satin cloth that kings are privy to.

A nudging sensation on my side breaks the tenuous hold I have on sleep, and I sigh, my broad chest pushing against the firm mattress. Attempting to ignore the soft prodding, I dig my face further into my sheets and squeeze my eyes shut. The poking does not stop, and I know it will not unless I drag my tired form from the bed.

"Koi," I speak, muffled by the cloth against my lips, "I do believe we discussed this."

I feel a slight rumble vibrate through the blankets and to my side, a noise of dissent. He continues his pestering, going so far as to pull the warm comforter down to my waist and then jump onto my muscled back. His claws sink into the skin, but I cannot feel their sting because of the scars that litter my body. He paces up and down my back, an action he is well aware I disapprove of.

My voice gruff from lack of sleep, I chide, "Koi." Another growl travels down my spine, and I almost flinch from the tingling sensation. "Koi," I say again, more aggravated this time.

He hops once, and then I do feel the sharp bite of his claws. He had to have broken skin for me to endure that pain.

"Koi," I spit out, arching my back. "Stop. I will get up."

He obeys me, understanding that he went too far this time. His small body falls to the mattress beside me, and I point a reprimanding finger at him without turning my head. "Do that again, and you will not be sleeping on my bed tonight."

A soft mewl answers me, and then a bumpy, forked tongue sweeps across the bleeding cuts on my back. He enjoys the taste of blood, so I know that he is not just doing this for my benefit. Once his ministrations are done, I spin around to glare at the tiny body sitting innocently on the wool-filled mattress.

Large grey eyes gaze at me with adoration, and my frown falls to a neutral expression. His scaled body vibrates with excitement, and a slobbering tongue darts from his mouth. Koi climbs onto four clawed feet and shakes his thin tail out, while pulling his tongue back into his elongated muzzle. His black scales rustle with anticipation, flaring out and then tucking back in to his most protected state. Grey wings, which match his eyes, flutter swiftly then rest by his side. He bounds to me and nudges his rough head against my even rougher stubble.

I sigh. Link dragons, or more commonly called dralinks, are rare, each creature only making an appearance when they sense a possible bond partner. They are small, never growing taller than a foot and a half, but they are described to be immensely loyal, remaining with their bonded partner till death.

I know this to be true because he will not go two hours without being near me.

I pat his head, rubbing the uneven surface of his scales and scratching the area beneath his snout. "Well, Koi, I suppose it is time for breakfast then?" He purrs against my calloused hand, enjoying the sensation of my hand stroking his tender scales, and then they splay quickly, his way of agreeing.

I clamber from out of the thick bed coverings and stand upright, gazing at the giant furniture. I rarely use it, preferring the cold of the floor to the warmth of the blankets, but I could not sleep well last night and was hoping that a change would help. I then stare at the room around me. Fur rugs lay across the stone every few feet or so, and a desk sits to the right of the double-doors positioned opposite the bed. A sitting area full of high-quality furniture is spread on the right side of the room, while doors to the bathroom and dressing room climb the left wall.

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