Chapter 14

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And there stood Matthew. He was So cute! a lot cuter than all the other guys. and he dressed different. More relaxed. he had camel hair that was shaggy and a blue Beanie. a shirt with a panda bear on it and his eyes! they were so gorgeous! The perfect chestnut color that complimented his Carmel hair! and then I remember my dream....

End of Recap


Chloe's P.O.V.

I blinked twice and I zoned back in the conversation.

"W-what.." I stuttered completely unaware of what was going on.

"What happened...for a second there you looked like you were dead. you didn't move! what's wrong?" harris said.

"Uh...nothing I just got caught up in my thoughts I guess" I blushed.

"Oh..." said Matthew and harris at the same time.

Matthew's P.O.V.

"Oh" me and harris said at the same time. wow...she looked so pretty when she blushes. her cheeks turn red and she is beautiful. I wonder what she was thinking about? I mean she looks nervous but she just yelled at me for calling her a toy. I mean I didn't mean to. Jordan said it and I was just saying what he said. but I feel bad for hurting her feelings.

I wonder if she knows who I am and that's why she is nervous. I hope she doesn't because then she might go crazy or something. and I hope she isn't one of those thirsty girls! I can't stand them! but she doesn't seem like she is right now. but still she might be in shock if she knows me. idk... I mean I've only known her for...what...3 minutes. so I defiantly don't know anything about her. I just hope her personality is as beautiful as she is on the outside because she is beautiful! her brown hair that flows from her head down her back like a river. She's not skin and bones but she's defiantly isn't fat! her green with gold in the middle eyes! I swear I could just stare at her all day! and she's not taller than me but she is really short. she is so perfect! I think I have a crush on her already!


Hello my little lemon drops! I love you all and well your the reason Ive decided to do this because I really didn't want to write this! I just want to go to bed, but then I thought well I need to write in the book for you guys!

Ha! I didn't even put if he looked the same as in her dream! sorry! I'll do that next chapter when it's Chloe's p.o.v. anyways you guys are awesome and I love each and everyone of you!

Well, I was thinking about writing a new book but I don't know what I want it to be about... will you comment what you think I should write it about! I need opinions!!!! don't be shy because remember if you get me to 100 comments and 100 votes then I'll write a little bit in the book every day for a while! Ok!

Love you all😘💨❤️

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