Chapter 11

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Sean spreads his arms, unsure as Hank and Charles strap his wings on.

"And you're sure that this will work?"

"Anything is possible, I based the design on-"

"Hank, stop talking." Charles puts a hand on Sean's shoulder as he guides him to the window. "Come on."

"This is gonna be great." I mutter to Raven, who leans beside Alex over Erik and I as we watch eagerly from a nearby window.

"Now remember, scream as hard as you can." Charles advises as Sean swings his legs over the edge of the windowsill.

"You need the soundwaves to be supersonic. Catch them at the right angle, and they should carry you." Hank explains.

"And they should carry me," Sean repeats. "That's reassuring." He squirms on the edge of the window, staring down into the shrubbery far beneath him.

"Good luck." Charles pats him on the shoulder. "And don't forget to scream." He adds as Sean crosses himself.

"Looking forward to this." Alex can't hold a smile back.

Sean spreads his arms as far as possible and tries to steady his breathing. A moment's hesitation, and he takes the plunge.

A strangled chicken noise escapes his throat as he crashes into the green.

. . .

"That night we met, there was one thing holding you back: panic. You have trouble controlling your powers because you're going about it wrong. You can't just use fear to defend yourself, you have to find a balance." Charles explains.


"Peace and chaos. Being able to focus on one thing while a million other things are going on at once." He says. "When you use your powers - it's often in panic and for survival, yes?"


"What do you think of in those moments?"

"Defending myself."

"And?" He presses.

"Hurting whoever's attacking me." I admit.

"What do you feel during those moments?"

"Anger mostly. Some pain, too."

"That's what you've been joining together in those moments of stress and it makes it worse for yourself. When you were growing up, you must have been taught how to calm yourself in danger. Do you mind if I take a look?" He waves his fingers beside his head.

"Go on." I nod, and he reaches inside my mind.

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