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Dear J,

Hey, it's been a long time, isn't it? It's been 54 days. Yeah, I've been counting days and I swear it still hurts like hell.

I just want to say that I am deeply sorry for all that I've done and caused you months when we were still together. I am not saying this for you to forgive me but I just want to forgive myself and start moving on. Every night I still see your smile and hear your voice, I can still hear your laugh and reminisce the past, and every night, I still cry.

I ask myself 'why did this happen? Why so sudden?'. Ever since that night, all I could do is think about you, if you've had eaten your breakfast, if you're with your friends, or are you with someone else right now. But then I realize, your not even mine anymore so why bother think about you.

I just want to move on, to start my life. You are a great part and you will forever be in my heart but I guess I should start living my life and stop hoping that you would talk to me. You were my greatest heartbreak. You became my highest and lowest point of my life and I'm grateful that you became a part of my life, even just for months.

Love, M.

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