City of Photos

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I can't find my place, im in a red room filled with photos of all the persons that causes me different anxieties in life and It's devastating.

Stumbled by two way mirrored faces but still convicted of pure heart and graces,
Now all my sorrows are enough to build city of photos, but I still keep on collecting,
I just keep on going, to make wings for thee martlet in a good way and heroic.

Glitchy eyes, blurry visions and electric fights. Do I deserve this?
Am I worthy to be convicted for destruction and repaired by lonely nights?
So tell me how will you take the ruins if mind is overflowing with darkness to fall,
Where you have die a little more
and more ...
and more ...
and more ...

Nescience of both love and hate, and I am now maintaining this kind of state
Is this what they call neutrality?
hence be drowned deep so fatally?
Isn't it hard to choose between those oculus of thoughts and views because It is complicated, it is unstable sentiments,
for a guys who cant define the word home and locked lonely in a red room

" Dangers of cities, buildings or toxics
live with centrist or be one of
the plastics
Be brave for some humans
can be cruelly racist
Guard your heart, make protections
in all the crisis "

We may not be good at choosing games but It is not also cool to be played, so i made myself wise in infidelity, now critics call me the loser of the entire galaxy.
It is awfully terrifying to know how we hold future and sorrows, or how that future
will turn us in something
we don't really desire for.

It is a big thing right? Are you scared too?
How can we definitely make it right?
If no one really cares for you

Did you noticed that choices ruins everything? once you fail once, you'll regret it forever and we all know that we can't undo things that is already done, but, we can do things better next time, but only,
if there's any chance.

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