[Chapter 7] Bound To Break Up

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-Charlie's POV-

I was surprised when Anthony showed up. I'd been crying ever since Hunter left me, literally. I'd wake up alone in bed and cry. I'd get out a bottle of beer out of the fridge and cry. I'd watch a show Hunter and I used to watch together and cry. My eyes were almost dried out. And when Anthony showed up, I almost cried again. It took me everything not to break down into tears in front of him.

"What...what are you doing here?" I asked him, pushing a piece of hair that had fallen out from my bun.

"I...I was wondering if you were okay. You hadn't been replying to my call and text messages. What happened?" He replied.

I gulped and tilted my head down, "Why don't you come in?" I inquired, stepping aside. He walked in and I closed the door behind him.

"What happened to this place?" He questioned quite rudely, though I'm sure he didn't mean to be. But he had every right to ask. There were dishes unwashed, sitting in the sink. Clothes laid everywhere, slung over the back of the couch, on a pile in the corner of the room. There were even some shattered picture frames that I picked up to look at but got upset and threw them at the wall. It was disgusting.

"Hunter and I had a pretty bad fight a few days ago," I answered softly. He looked back at me, not knowing what to say. "He and I broke up," I added, crossing my arms over my chest and looking at my feet.

Again, nothing. But instead of just staring at me like I was some freak, he walked over to me and pulled me into a tight hug. I tried my best to hold back the tears, but I couldn't hold it in any longer broke down and began to sob into his t-shirt.

"I'm really sorry, Charlie," He remarked quietly.

I shook my head and stepped out of the embrace, wiping under my eyes, "It's not your fault," I tried to convince him. But I was lying to him. And myself. If I never met Anthony, what happened between Hunter and I wouldn't have happened. But if I never met Anthony...

"Then, do you mind telling me what your fight was about?" He inquired testily.

"Why does it matter?"

"Why can't you tell me?" He snapped back.

I crossed my arms over my chest, "Why does it matter?" I repeated.

"Because I bet you it was about me!" He remarked, throwing his hands in the air, "And I'm the reason you two broke up!"

I shrugged my shoulders, "Yeah. So? We were bound to break up anyways. We were complete opposites! And we weren't happy for a long time, and...and I finally knew I had to end it when I found you," I gulped, my heart was pounding against my chest. "Anthony, meeting you at that party...it was probably the best thing that's ever happened to me." My cheeks grew a bright shade of red.

He walked up to me and tilted my chin up before leaning in and pressing his lips gently against mine.

-Hunter's POV-

I drove through the city streets, music blasting and the speedometer increasing fidgeting at the 100-110 mph mark. I picked out a bottle of beer and popped the cap of, putting the bottle up to my lips as I exited onto the highway.

It was hard, leaving Charlie. Sure, we were two different people. She was the shy girl who'd rather sit in the corner alone and read a book and I was the boisterous jock who wanted people surrounding him and keeping conversation with him twenty-four seven. But somehow, she turned out to be the only girl I ever was really serious about. I just...didn't know how to express myself. I knew deep down we were bound to break up. But I didn't know it would be over some guy. I thought it would be over our differences.

I slammed down on the brake and stopped in front of the one house I'd become familiar with over the years. I opened the car door and closed it, walking up to the front door and knocking. I started swaying back and forth as I waited for the person to answer.

I heard some movement inside before the door swung open. They saw me and their eyes grew wide, "What the fuck are you doing here, Hunter?"

"It's nice to see you too, Kalel," I remarked with a smile.

Author's Note: Apologies for the short and shitty chapter. I'm really struggling with this book. It sucks when you know what you want to happen, but it can't happen until some other stuff happens... Anyways, thanks for reading and I hope the next chapter will be better! -rac06h10ael

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