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Today is Monday, the day i finally get to go on a relaxing family holiday in Thailand. I am extremely exited because of so many reasons, let me list them.

Firstly the weather is going to be 35 degrees celsius everyday for seven days, secondly we are in a five star hotel which is all inclusive so i can eat as much as i want and finally i don't have to go to my boring school for a whole seven days.
-------------3 hours later-----------

Finally after a whole 3 hours i am on the plane, it took very long to get through to the boarding room we had to put all of our stuff into a box that went through a strange looking machine, this wasn't the first time i had been on holiday and i know for sure that it didn't take this long to get through.

Inside the plane was very compact and small, it looked quite ancient like a derelict house on the outside.

At first this didn't bother me as i was too exited for my holiday and didn't care about anything els at that moment.

My sister Ruby refused to go on the plane because she said she had a strange feeling, this wasn't normal as Ruby is 17 years old and has had many more holidays than me, plus she usually likes flying.

Once again this didn't bother me because i was way to happy to think.

Anyway I'm on the plane now and everything seems to be alright although my mum is claustrophobic which isn't good as the plane is tiny.

As i was finishing the movie that i was watching to pass some time, cloudy with a chance of meatballs two to be precise i caught a glance of a poster on the opposite side of my seat, i thought i would read it as it was quite eye catching. It read.

1980 news: Manara hotel ghost explore!
Manara hotel is one of the most haunted five star hotels in Thailand still open to this day, who ever stays there always gets a haunting experience and some may never leave.
Two of the most professional ghost hunters are here this weekend to investigate

This poster sent chills down my spine as the poster is still up on this plane since 1980. I looked closer, my hairs on my neck began to rise.

I realised that i recognised that name...no,no,no this cant be right i remember my mum saying that our hotel is called manara hotel, i had a mini panic attack, then i though to myself that our hotel had a letter h in it.

All i did was bother my mum and dad to check the hotel details but there was no wifi on the plane, it was torture.

"Don't worry josh, look that poster says that it was haunted in 1980, it was probably just some jokers trying to scare people anyway," mum explained.

"Even if it was real, the hotel would have been shut down by now and would not be 5 stars", dad said in a quiet voice.

I was too confused to think and i still felt like something wasn't quite right.

" josh is scared," my sister said in a laughing voice.

" shut up ruby, before i put a spider on your head!" I replied

My sister Ruby is petrified of spiders, and i use them to scare her.
Once i put one on her head when she was sleeping and set a camera in her room to catch her reaction when she woke up, it was well funny, i have never heard anyone scream as loud as her in my life.

When my sister annoys me, i threaten to put a spider on her head and it shuts her up.

Anyway back to that creepy hotel thing,

Manara ... Manara... no our hotel is called Mhanara, few. My hairs on my neck went down and i carried on watching the movie but i was still wondering is our hotel Manara or Mhanara?

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2017 ⏰

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