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"What are you doing?" Alice asked, coming into Stevie's so called music room.

Stevie looked up from her journal, smiling at her girl, patting the space beside her. "Drawing if you can call it that."

"I didn't know you like to draw."

"It's yet another form for me to relax."

Taking a seat, Alice looked at what Stevie was working on, seeing little drawings of angels all over the page of her journal. "That's you." Stevie answered Alice's unspoken question.

"My nose isn't that big!" Alice joked, making Stevie laugh.

"I didn't say I've ever won an award for my drawing skills." Stevie closed her journal and put it away, dedicating all of her attention to her daughter. "Did you want something?"

"Well..." Alice trailed off, a small smile on her lips.

Stevie already knew that tone of voice. "Come on, I know there's something you want."

"It's not just me. Dad and I were wondering if maybe you could forget about your silly diet tonight and join us for a movie with pizza and ice cream in our pajamas?"

"You two should stop plotting against me!" Stevie laughed. 

It was clear very quickly that Alice was a complete Daddy's girl and Stevie absolutely adored seeing the two of them together. She wasn't questioning Alice's attitude towards her anymore after they had a long mother daughter heart to heart that same evening, when Alice admitted her fears of abandonment to Lindsey. 

"We're not plotting, we just know you." Alice said, laying her head on Stevie's shoulder. 

Alice had been living with Stevie and Lindsey for several months now and things were going very well. There were so many things for the three of them to learn about each other and Alice was fascinated every time, when either Lindsey or Stevie told her a story of theirs. In return, Alice would open up about something as well, although, she would usually say, there's nothing much to tell. However, to her parents even the smallest detail of her life that they unfortunately hadn't been a part of until now, had them completely hooked. They had become that family all of them had always wanted to be at last.

"So, what are we watching then?" Lindsey asked, taking a slice of pizza and putting it on his plate.

"The Princess Diaries." Stevie and Alice answered in unison.

"Oh, come on!" Lindsey whined. "A chick flick? Really?"

The two laughed at him, as Alice put the movie in and pressed play. 

When the pizza box was empty, Stevie brought Lindsey and Alice a bowl of ice cream each, then snuggled up to Lindsey, Alice making herself comfortable on the other end of the couch. Lindsey knew how Stevie was with sweets; she wanted them, but she usually didn't allow herself to enjoy them. Thanks to her being completely engrossed in the movie, why Lindsey didn't understand, he managed to sneak in a few spoonfuls, eliciting sounds of clear satisfaction.

Lindsey couldn't possibly describe how glad he was when the credits started rolling. This was definitely not his favorite genre, but if his girls wanted to, he would have sat through ten more. 

"Let's le-" Lindsey began, but Stevie shushed him, showing to Alice, who had fallen asleep. They looked at each other, smiling, then Lindsey leaned in closer, whispering. "I'll carry her upstairs." Which wasn't a struggle at all, since Alice was as petite as her mother. 

When Lindsey returned to the family room, it was already cleaned up. Hearing water running in the kitchen, he went to Stevie. "I was going to say, let's leave it and clean up tomorrow."

"It was no trouble." Stevie shrugged, drying her hands, before locking them behind Lindsey's neck, once he approached, embracing her. "How did we get so lucky, Linds?"

"It's because of you that we have Alice, Steph. I'll never have said thank you enough times. So, thank you for giving me our daughter." He knew she wanted to bring up the past, she usually did, but they agreed not to talk about it anymore, so instead of talking, he captured her lips for a passionate kiss.

Stevie moaned, leaning against the kitchen counter, feeling Lindsey grip her sides tighter, having a hunch she was going to be sitting on that counter in a second. "Not here, Lindsey, that's for sure."

"Oh, come on..." He kissed her again, his lips then nuzzling her neck, moving lower to her cleavage.

It was extremely hard to deny him, but it wasn't just the two of them anymore, they had a teenager daughter, who might come in at any moment. "Bedroom or you're not getting any at all." Stevie said, placing her palms against his chest to slow him down.

"Uh, fine." He sighed in an exaggerated manner, letting go of her completely, turning around to walk out of the kitchen.

"Lindsey Adams Buckingham, you get back here right this second and take me upstairs!" Stevie stomped her feet, her fists clenched by her sides.

It caused Lindsey to start laughing, as he came back to her, taking her by the hand. "I'm only teasing."

"Keep doing that, let's see what happens." A challenge was evident in Stevie's voice.

Lindsey smiled at her lovingly, kissing her lips. "Come on, Stephanie Lynn Buckingham. Our bedroom it is."

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