Piper Grace Sommerfeld

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            I hurried to get dressed and style my hair as usual. Yoga pants, t-shirt and hoodie, with my hair straightened. I flew downstairs after a quick sprits of hairspray. I grabbed a quick breakfast and my schoolbag and raced out the door towards my driver. We sat in silence until we pulled up at my best friend’s house. Jamie Sparks and I were total opposites. She had long, straight, fire red hair and crystal blue eyes. She had flawless skin, and a body that had all of the boys drooling. I was beyond jealous of her. Her outfit consisted of acid-washed high-waisted shorts, which she made on her own, and a union jack crop-top. She slid into the back seat of my car with me.

            I smiled at my best friend and dropped a small bag onto her lap, "It's not much, but happy birthday!" She tore open the bag to find a shimmering, pale gold summer dress. She had been eyeing it up for a while. She pulled me into a guick hug before clicking her seatbelt into place.

            My driver sped off towards our school, or as I liked to call it; Hell.Every teacher at my school was old and crabby. They were the kind of teachers that gave you detention whenever they could. The only nice staff member at our school was the guidance counsellor; Ms.Allaback. She was also the youngest, since the last counsellor was too old to work anymore.

            “What are you wearing?” Jamie interrupted my thoughts.

            “The same thing I wear every day, yoga pants and a t-shirt.” I replied, struggling not to yell at her. It was the same thing every day. She questioned my laziness, offered to take me shopping and help me figure out my fits my body well, I rejected, and we argue the rest of the way to school.

            “Okay, it’s final. This weekend, you and I are going shopping. You can’t say no this time. Don’t you want something to wear for your seventeenth birthday?” Jamie did have a point, I was turning seventeen soon…

            “Well, Jamie. I hate to break it to you, but my birthday is in two months.” She only grunted in response.

            Moments later we arrived at the school. We hurried off in separate directions, praying to make it to our homerooms on time. I arrived at my usual time, sat in my usual seat. Everything was the same. But something felt different. I ignored it and turned my attention back to the lesson. Having math first period was certainly the worst thing that could happen this year.

            I picked at my fries as I waited for Jamie to show up. She was always a few minutes late for lunch, but to be fair, her class before it was at the other end of the school. The cafeteria was a lot quieter than usual, allowing me to be consumed by my thoughts. I imagined being perfect. Perfect hair. Perfect teeth. Perfect body. The idea made me smile. Again, my thoughts we soon interrupted when Jamie plopped her tray on the table and sat beside me. I looked over at my best friend. I looked down at her wrist, where a charm bracelet always lay. But it wasn’t there. “Where’s your bracelet?” I asked; curiosity laced through my words. She smiled at me, but I knew it was fake.

            “I had to take it to be repaired; I should be getting it back soon.” I knew what really happened. Her family was having financial troubles again, and she had to sell it to help her parents. I placed one of my hands on her arm and smiled sadly. I knew what it was like to go through money problems; but Jamie didn’t know that.

            “Jamie, I know you probably won’t believe this, but when I was younger my family was very poor.”

            I tied the laces on my tattered sneakers. I had been wearing them for the past four years, so they were way too tight, and very ripped up, but my parents couldn’t afford to buy me new ones. I gave each of my parents a quick kiss and made my way out the door. If I ran, I would make it on time today. Then the teacher won’t yell at me! I stopped walking and got into sprinting position. I counted to three, and bolted down the street. I had to take multiple breaks on the way to school, since it took about thirty minutes to walk to school. But since I ran, it took a little bit longer than fifteen.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2014 ⏰

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